Example sentences of "[noun] come [prep] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 More reassuring in terms of Soviet policy was Gorbachev 's dramatic decision to allow a non-Communist premier to come to power in Poland .
2 The former Middlesbrough chief scout came to Feethams in May 1989 , during the reign of far-sighted Brian Little , and with no real basis to work on .
3 On the other hand Labour came to power in London in 1934 , re-elected in 1937 .
4 Partly as a result , Whitehaven came to prominence in the Virginia tobacco trade during the 1740s , although Lowther had only indirect links with the merchant community .
5 When President Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in Moscow in early 1985 , Mr Husak became one of the disoriented old men of Eastern Europe , and when Mr Gorbachev reached Prague , in the spring of 1987 , Mr Husak looked out of his depth .
6 The report suggested that the Bulgarian leadership did not give up the idea until Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in the Soviet Union in 1985 .
7 A total of seven points out of eight were lost to the Tayside club last season and Aberdeen 's only point from United this term came at Tannadice in December after they had held , and then surrendered , a two-goal lead .
8 December 1934 , Italian and Ethiopian force came into conflict in the border area of Ethiopia and by the following summer , Mussolini was making extravagant demands of Ethiopia .
9 In November 1990 , a man convicted of multiple rape and murder became the first person in Tunisia to be executed since the President came to power in 1987 .
10 Mauro Ferri came to Easington in 1939 with his mother and brother to visit his sister who had married another Italian , Dennis Donnini , who was a fusilier in the British Army .
11 Details of the former government 's involvement with terrorist organizations came to light in June 1990 .
12 A decree permitting the free formation of political parties came into force in March 1990 .
13 It is likely that a considerable number of Romano-British by-roads came into existence in the same way for limited purposes and yet remain to be discovered on the map or on the ground .
14 When the first European missionaries came to China in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries no trace remained of the heavenly clockwork of five hundred years earlier .
15 Mr Singh came to power in last year 's farcical assembly election by getting the support of no more than 9% of registered voters .
16 Words came from Adam in a toneless chant : ‘ Then the sea rose in a great wave and swept away the witch 's daughter , and she was never seen on Starr Hills again … ’
17 Light came from windows in the roof and Ana was bathed in the light , the barn dim around her .
18 Roger Parrish , his wife Pauline and son Barney came from Newnham in Gloucestershire to the River Yonne outside Auxerre with a wreath and a message for Joanna .
19 ‘ In 1991 , entries came from women in many fields . ’
20 More than 100 million barrels of oil have been produced by BP in Dorset since the first well at Kimmeridge came on stream in 1959 .
21 Originally many cattle in Ayrshire were black with a white stripe on the back and white flanks and faces , and were of the Highland or Galloway type , but these were locally displaced by Dutch cattle imported between 1750 and 1780 , with ( it is rumoured ) a few Alderneys coming into Scotland in 1756 .
22 At least once a fortnight there have been confusing signals coming from rugby in South Africa , in contrast to the clear-cut campaign that South African cricket conducted on their way to entry in the World Cup in New Zealand and Australia in this southern summer .
23 These distinctive characteristics come from differences in minute quantities of flavouring constituents whose concentrations are at the threshold of human sensory perception .
24 If they exist , these pictures come from specialists in disinformation with a grudge .
25 An interesting insight into the kind of restructuring which had occurred in memory when subjects discovered what the theme of the passage was in Thorndyke 's experiment comes from recall in the narrative after-theme condition .
26 The multi-million pound diet industry comes under scrutiny in Channel 4 's ‘ Dispatches ’ this week .
27 His disclosure in a Commons written reply comes after changes in civil defence policy after the ending of the Cold War .
28 President Yoweri Museveni came to power in January 1986 [ see pp. 34536-38 ] at the head of the National Resistance Movement which had waged a guerrilla war since 1981 , first against the regime of President Milton Obote , and subsequently against the military government which deposed Obote in July 1985 .
29 President Yoweri Museveni came to power in January 1986 [ see pp. 34536-38 ] at the head of the National Resistance Movement which had waged a guerrilla war since 1981 , first against the Obote regime and subsequently against the military government which deposed Obote in July 1985 .
30 On April 11 the motion , the 11th since Rocard came to power in 1988 , was defeated 289-261 after failing to win the support of the Communist Party ( PCF ) .
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