Example sentences of "[noun] think [pron] be [det] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't want the lads thinking I 'm some sort of wimp , that ca n't cope with a bit of shock . ’
2 And the old lady thinks it 's all genuine .
3 Hopper thought he was another Dean , and then became outcast from Hollywood within three years because he acquired a reputation for being a mean-like perfectionist .
4 With one hand people are placing children while on the other hand they are still encouraging the natural parents to think there 's some chance of having them back !
5 At first Grainne thought it was that power was stealing over them , and then she thought that it was not power but strength , only that did not seem quite right either .
6 For a moment Shelley thought there was another gleam of amusement behind those glasses at the shrill tone of her exclamation .
7 Tabitha thought it was some kind of antenna ; then she realized it was an empty perch .
8 The crew think they 're such a primitive civilization they have n't even discovered acting yet .
9 Raymond thinks it 's all compost .
10 He was not tall , close to minimum height in fact , but he was stocky , and he made up for lack of inches with a pressing , high-speed manner which sometimes made people think he was all noise and movement and no intelligence .
11 When I was young , my mother and father thought we were all marvellous . ’
12 The reason for her secrecy was that if Brian thought there was any doubt about Jasper and Bienvida 's paternity he might stop paying her the so a week child support .
14 But Caroline thought there were enough attractions here , in this quiet place , to last a lifetime .
15 Other travellers thought he was half mad or a man who could not forget some terrible crime .
16 Mr Band told the STB and Heritage Education Trust 's conference on heritage , education and tourism at Hopetoun House , South Queensferry , that many tourists thought there was little more to Scottish history than Mary Queen of Scots and Bonnie Prince Charlie .
17 ‘ I had no reason to think I was any different to any other child .
18 All the kids at school think you 're some kind of heretic . ’
19 During the day he would cross the bridge to Chelsea to buy old clothes and other cast-offs , walking the streets with his cry of ‘ Old clothes and old hats I 'll buy them ’ , or begging his keep in more fashionable parts from ‘ cooks thinking he was such a nice old man …
20 Those on the brink of buying are mostly waiting until the election is out of the way before committing themselves to a new house , but City financier Christopher Moran thinks they are all wrong .
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