Example sentences of "[noun] who [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A FORMER soldier who blew up a motorist with a home-made bomb because of a £140 debt was jailed for 12 years yesterday .
2 Not strange at all , of course , in economic terms , since the slacks and Pringle jumper brigade who make up the bulk of business in summer would n't take the Austin Maxi out of the car-port if there was even a remote chance of frost .
3 Cheshire Fire Brigade who set up an emergency operation centre on site said the cloud had been taken by the prevailing wind east of Northwich .
4 A blend of grass seed , fertiliser and cellulose glue , it was being spread over the paths as a last ditch attempt to save an area the size of four football pitches from irreversible soil erosion caused by the 250,000 walkers who tramp around the area every year .
5 Wu Po-hsiung was appointed Interior Minister , replacing Hsu Shui-teh who took on the role of Taiwan 's unofficial ambassador in Japan .
6 The purpose of this research project is to obtain presently lacking information on the way of life , social structure and ideology of a Bantu-speaking people called Lungu who live around the southern end of Lake Tanganyika in East-Central Africa .
7 Similarly other hard information is scant , for instance James Braid who laid out the ‘ links ’ as they were called for some time , is not mentioned until the sixth meeting on October 29th ; that is four months after the first nine holes were opened , and even then the reference is vague .
8 Thus , the study emphasises the role of social attitudes in second language learning , ie. attitudes towards learning the second language itself and towards the native speakers who make up the second language community .
9 The hunter who strikes down a wild peccary with a blowgun dart is participating in only one aspect of this process , and the critical role is played by the ruwang .
10 And what terrible damage they do , have done through the centuries , from the Inquisitor General to Stalin , to your young neighbour in the IRA who believes in the Catholic God and uses that to justify his murdering you in your bed , to the Mullah who whips up the faithful to civil strife in the name of Allah , to the Moonie who steals your children 's money and affections .
11 Pathologists who carried out a post-mortem examination on Mrs Henderson said she had developed a chest infection and died from complications due to her head injury .
12 Stunned police hunting the maniacs who rigged up the deadly device said the 13-year-old should have been killed instantly .
13 ‘ Enjoy our disco-bats in their jungle gym in the sky ! ’ was the enticing offer stripped across the GG 's Barnum Room doors , the disco-bats being male acrobats who performed over a net draped just above the heads of the dancers .
14 Another critic who took up the moral cudgels against the ‘ spicy ’ jokes and suggestive songs described how ‘ this kind of garbage is part and parcel of the repertoire of nearly every music hall in the kingdom … it puts decency and clean-living at a discount , and it glorifies immorality all round ’ .
15 It was Johnny who set up the first weekly pools and bingo competitions at the Palace and it is from those humble beginnings that the massively valuable present-day lottery has grown .
16 Like an archaeologist who digs up a tiny shard in the desert and from it extrapolates a whole civilisation , so Simon Charsley lifts an inconsequential marzipan confection and uses it to illuminate the shifting sands of Western civilisation .
17 It may however , be questioned , whether this role should be performed by a mixture of hereditary and life peers who make up the Lords ' membership or , indeed , whether there is an important role here at all .
18 Because he 's articulate he 's often perceived as a serious intellectual who thinks out every step and nuance of Smashing Pumpkins , but he 's actually quite aware of the stupidity of rock star posturing and this come out in self-deprecation .
19 At a joint one-day Wedgwood and Sotheby 's identification and valuation event at the Westfries Museum , in Hoorn , Lynn encountered many Dutch visitors who brought in a variety of heirlooms or pieces they had collected .
20 The assembly instructions were all written to US specification which provided an interesting conversion problem for the youngsters who took up the challenge .
21 Though 130,000 passports represent only about a quarter of Macao 's population , most recipients are the professionals and businessmen who make up the backbone of the enclave economy .
22 Consultant pathologist Dr Stephen Dundas who carried out a post mortem said Mr Ryder had died as a result of overdosing on both tablets and alcohol .
23 To deal with the blood differential first : according to the later thinking of the tannaim ( rabbis of the first centuries AD ) , the reason for the Levitical laws of menstruation and childbirth was as punishment for the sin of Eve who brought about the death of Adam .
24 Perhaps the constable who carried out the test was merely having a run of bad luck .
25 The breach will usually take place in the very presence of the constable who carries out the arrest .
26 One for the little boy who lives down the avenue ( lane ) .
27 AN ATHLETICS coach who struck up a friendship with a teacher from a remote Russian region 19 years ago has been appointed its cultural and economic envoy to the West .
28 Karen Young 's glamorous looks would make her a role model for actress Helen Mirren who tracked down a serial killer in the hit series .
29 It was Dr. Joseph Thackeray , the newly appointed physician to the infirmary who took up the burden .
30 Two more world champions are in action tonight ; Swindon 's Bob Anderson lines up with John Lowe at the Super Marine Club in South Marston to take on a handful of local challengers who make up the best in the west .
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