Example sentences of "[noun] who [verb] [be] to " in BNC.

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1 When asked to talk through her technique , she appears reticent , suggesting that it is a little too simplistic and old-fashioned , perhaps too naive for those readers who have been to art school .
2 When asked to talk through her technique , she appears reticent , suggesting that it is a little too simplistic and old-fashioned , perhaps too naive for those readers who have been to art school .
3 Readers who have been to one of my knit-club talks , will remember the prototype shown there which I referred to as the ‘ Knit-club Jumper ’ , because of the ease of making the basic jumper look different at each club meeting , just by changing the collar !
4 In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries , sociologists and anthropologists , including Émile Durkheim , were interested in the reports of travellers and missionaries who had been to parts of Australasia .
5 No relation and it 's not the fella who 's been to Memphis Tennessee to see Graceland either .
6 And this was the day to do it the Women of the North lunch in Harrogate , like the Woman of the Year in London ‘ only much friendlier and more fun ’ according to a lady who 'd been to both .
7 He gives terrible parties up there — I know a girl who 's been to them .
8 But heal they do as we have seen from those lines who have been to the brink demonstrate .
9 A Golders Green police spokesman said : ‘ He seemed to be obsessed with her and is known to the police as a pest who has been to court . ’
10 A young woman from Lyons reported that she refuses to visit Paris without her friend who has been to Paris more often and understands the Parisians ' sign language better .
11 Mark 's face brightened for he remembered who Miss Broome was — a nice-looking youngish woman who had been to church the last two or three Sundays .
12 Spencer told us of the people who had been to the Chapel to see what he was doing — and told us that several generals had been there .
13 I knew people who had been to prison and they told me , ‘ It 's really bad in there , it 's hard .
14 To tell you the truth , before I went to prison I used to meet people who had been to prison and I did n't want to talk to them because I thought they were funny .
15 He meets people who 've been to prison , but not all of them are criminals .
16 ‘ If you go into a Panama restaurant you can always tell the people who 've been to BCI — they 're scratching like you .
17 Yeah but I got by these people who 've been to Jamaica , says that he gi if you give five pound tip for there , there what 's erm they do n't like it , it 's not enough , they wo n't speak to you no more .
18 I receive letters throughout the year from people who have been to the Summer Exhibition wanting to know more about my work .
19 Talk to people who have been to China , and make a note of their advice and recommendations .
20 that 's right and there 's also people who have been to the theatre before that 's not an audience who have
21 I 'd have told him all about the breastfeeding and bonding if the Morrisons had n't chosen that moment to arrive on the doorstep with Christopher and Katy who 'd been to Bertelli 's for their weekly dose of colourings , preservatives and sugar .
22 The difficulty of interpreting such information is highlighted though by the fact that this educated elite , two-thirds of whom had been to public schools and universities , chose as their leader a man who had been to neither .
23 He crossed to the library and entered , assailed at once by warm memories of the man who had been to him the nearest thing to a father .
24 Often there was scant evidence of academic activity , and this prompted criticism from some of those users who had been to mainstream schools .
25 The only " reason " given by Anderson — " I changed my mind " ( p. 87 ) — clearly violates the maxim of quantity in providing too little information , and his excuse , that he " did n't realize it mattered " , violates the maxim of quality because , being a Cambridge don who has been to a number of overseas conferences , he will be well aware of the procedures involved .
26 In the 1990s the Bar likes to proclaim that all that has changed , that it is no longer dominated by men who have been to public schools followed by Oxford or Cambridge .
27 So ghastly , that arrogance , that insensitivity of boys who 've been to public schools .
28 Dot sat herself cross-legged on the bed and watched him perched on the chair by the window , blinking and twitching and fidgeting but never looking her way , then seeming to fall asleep and looking quite young , younger than Mr Brown anyhow , and certainly not at all like Sally 's dad who 'd been to Burma and eaten rats .
29 Let J = ( students who have been to Jamaica ) Let T = ( students who have visited Trinidad ) Now answer these questions .
30 So as far as this meeting 's concerned , erm , most of our meetings are basically business meetings , but we , we have tried and we will try to put in speakers and , and do different things from time to time , we had er , er a woman last time who 'd been to Central America recently and she gave us a very interesting talk on a visit to El Salvador and Guatamala , erm , and we , we 'd like to do that more often , but , but what we do really erm , to begin with any rate , is we go th we go through the , the headings on this sheet , on the , on the minutes , we use them as headings for others and erm , items on the agenda and er some may have more to say than others and there are one or two not on there which we 'll pop in as we go along .
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