Example sentences of "[noun] who [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 we can say generally that whatever is regarded as a truth functions as a norm of thinking , [ and ] imposes upon the conscious agent who recognizes it a distinctive selection and organization of some data of his experience .
2 Eventually , it was David who found him a good ship and carefully guided him through the process .
3 ‘ It 's the season of goodwill to all mankind but its looks like this man had had enough of womankind , ’ added PC Weal who ordered them a taxi .
4 He , too , is a high-flying Socialist who declaims his no doubt sincerely-held beliefs from atop a mountain of privilege .
5 At the German border we were helped by a German trucker who got us the required stamps .
6 The spectacular charge of the Light Blue Brigade from stakeboat to finish line con founded the bookies and the Tideway pundits who gave them no chance against Barcelona gold medallist Matthew Pinsent and his crew .
7 As for his former wife , Aahmes , she had become a shadowy figure who sent him a letter from the Delta every new year , at the midsummer opet festival , with news of his favourite son , Heby .
8 Their demands , which were repeated by students demonstrating in Gaborone on March 10 , were rejected by the President who called them a " gross over-reaction " .
9 Like the trio of drinkers he meets in a Co Waterford pub who call themselves the KGB — because their surnames are Kelly , Gallagher and Boland .
10 Eight years later , Paul was sitting in a bloke 's house in Wrexham who told him the very same joke !
11 Some pupils , especially girls in rural areas , were withdrawn by their parents who considered it a Waste of money' to send girls to school .
12 ‘ The caretaker who showed us the place — and he does n't know my name either . ’
13 There is published evidence that P cepacia is transmissible , directly or indirectly , between individuals , and that in a proportion who acquire it the infection is associated with rapid deterioration or death , even when they were previously in good health and clinically stable .
14 Although not due for release until 2001 , the 45-year-old was recently let out of his low-security prison to spend a weekend with his wife Brenda who bought him a £35,000 K-reg Mercedes as a coming home present .
15 You 're being asked erm you told us you rang up the Assistant Chief Constable who gave you the authority to carry out the armed operation .
16 Just after the Second World War a village was sentenced to death by planners who called it a rural slum .
17 I called the local council who told me the wasps were best left until the end of the season when they would follow their queen and find somewhere else to live .
18 I still have n't heard back from the young lady who sent me the Valentine card ; did you really mean it ?
19 The head of the family when I first remember them was William Henry Bayles who was Grandmother 's cousin and the father of a lady who taught me a little bit of music .
20 You will get the lazy child who copies what the next child is doing and these copiers must be helped to think for themselves .
21 for example , in 1986 , when that group of conservatives who called themselves the Hillgate Group published their pamphlet Whose Schools ? , they set out such fears , and many others , about what they saw as the direction of educational policy in schools .
22 The Repeater Hand Gun is also used from horseback by gallant Imperial Engineers who find it a devastating if temperamental device .
23 At seventeen he joined a travelling band of gypsies who taught him the finer skills of pickpocketing until an accident to his hand six years later put paid to what would have been a very lucrative career .
24 I do not regard a judge who makes what an appellate court later regards as a mistake of law as abusing his powers .
25 Mrs Turpin remarks to the woman next to her that she once knew a girl who had everything a child could possibly want , but was still a spoilt , ungrateful brat .
26 The girl who taught us the song was called Isabel .
27 Vic Brown in John Schlesinger 's A Kind of Loving ( 1962 ) settles for telly-watching inanity within marriage , while Billy Liar in the same director 's 1963 film turns away from the girl who offers him the chance to fulfil his ambitions in London .
28 On its release in Britain , the Daily Worker described it as ‘ the first genuine ‘ mod ’ film of the British cinema' and the Sunday Express declared that ‘ its real jewels are the shining performances of Michael Crawford , as the gauche youth , and Miss Tushingham , as the girl who gives him the knowledge .
29 ‘ The girl who gave you the message from Richter .
30 I 'm just sorry the whole thing happened and the man who must be embarrassed about this most of all is sponsor Matt Laverty who lent me the bike on Thursday night at practice . ’
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