Example sentences of "[noun] who [verb] what was " in BNC.

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1 I could find no one among my internationalist new acquaintances who understood what was happening in my country .
2 She turned to Artemis who knew what was coming before the question was asked .
3 There is only one person who knows what was in your heart of hearts , James .
4 Given that narrow aim , the task of the teachers who implemented what was essentially an initial learning programme was tightly prescribed .
5 Nevertheless it still had its American critics who asked what was really meant by the general references to aid programmes and to the use of American forces at the request of Middle Eastern states against " overt aggression from any nation controlled by International Communism " .
6 She represents the ordinary Japanese who believed what was reported : first , that Manchuria was an idealistic experiment in Asian co-operation ; and , later , that Japan was winning the Pacific war .
7 The number of voters who found what was happening in politics ‘ very interesting ’ dropped sharply between our pre-campaign week ( when Thatcher was in Moscow and Kinnock newly returned from Washington ) and the campaign itself .
8 They spoke with contempt of the simpleton who regarded what was really death as life , and prayed that they would be shown what everything really was in this house of illusion .
9 The complexities of these situations are shown by the case of an applicant and his family who left what was described as an ‘ overcrowded tin or galvanised structure with no basic amenities ’ in Bangladesh and who were treated as intentionally homeless by one London borough ( who considered that it was reasonable for them to continue to occupy that accommodation ) but not intentionally homeless by a second London borough who referred the applicant back to the first .
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