Example sentences of "[noun] make [prep] this time " in BNC.

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1 Simon 's own statements made at this time betray a strong representational intent : while rejecting the forms of classic realism , the novel nevertheless retained its mimetic role .
2 A spokeswoman for Simpson , Coulson and Partners , said : ‘ We have absolutely no comment to make at this time . ’
3 Another journey Chapman made at this time was to Scotland , to watch Neil Dewar of Third Lanark .
4 One suggestion made at this time was that the strongest swimmers among the Jews should jump overboard at intervals , thus forcing the St Louis to stop and turn round .
5 One suggestion made at this time was that Cell-y-bedd should be demolished .
6 When in 1988 Deutsche Grammophon reissued on compact disc the recordings Karajan made in Berlin , Amsterdam , and Turin between 1938 and 1943 , the New York Times published an article on music-making in wartime Germany that concluded with the speculation that in none of the recordings Karajan made at this time is there any evidence that ‘ the soul was troubled ’ .
7 Warnings made at this time of the imminent collapse of the East German economy were described by the Guardian of Feb. 10 as " designed to justify Dr Kohl 's abrupt reversal of policy " .
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