Example sentences of "[noun] from [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Two soulless black eyes from out of the crowd by the barrier were pinned to her face .
2 He saw inside himself a yellow-hammer flying in a startled flutter from out of the spikes and small blooms of a gorse-bush .
3 He could not bring back any coherent dream from out of the hours which followed .
4 The little boy showed no sign of rising vertically into the air or of summoning seven hundred fiery horsemen from out of the sky .
5 Another said that Russell had pulled a brick from out of the passage wall and hit him with it .
6 In ‘ Downtown Beirut ’ , the boozery next door to the infamous ‘ Village Idiot ’ on 10th St. , ( where two Pogues ' albums continually rotate on the juke box ) , a dastardly plan was hatched to kidnap Strummer from out of the ‘ Seven B ’ bar , where he 'd been drinking all week , and substitute him onstage with Joe Hurley .
7 Which , presently , Meh'Lindi did , ravenously consuming fish , flesh and fowl from out of the stasis-boxes which they had brought to the suite from Jaq 's ship , the Tormentum Malorum , which went by the alias of Sapphire Eagle while they were visiting Stalinvast .
8 Deana , pass us a chair from out of the whatsit please ?
9 But whether you are here for the first or merely the latest time , as you enter the square — better still , as you emerge into it , blinking away the bright Milanese light as you climb up out of the Metro — there can be no doubting its magical ability to conjure a timeless moment of calm from out of the bustle .
10 Winter sweet , viburnum , and witch hazel were all in flower ; the air was so still that they could hear the distant gurgle of the river from down in the valley .
11 I intended to pick up my car and come over to see you as soon as I 'd talked to Bertelli , but when I got back here Lorenzini had this message from up near the fort .
12 He broke off and ate a piece of Mint Crisp from out of the platform chocolate machine Kevin offered him as a tribute to his prowess .
13 Kildimo prefers faster ground , both Romany King and Captain Dibble disappointed last time , and the bottom three face stiff tasks from out of the handicap .
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