Example sentences of "[noun] from [pers pn] [conj] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 As far as the trade was concerned we tried to , and still try to , do whatever makes it easiest for them to order books from us and sell them .
2 Acknowledge encouragement and assistance from them and support them in return .
3 All the children on board will have the opportunity to meet Santa , receive a gift from him and enjoy the seasonable atmosphere while all the adults will receive a complimentary drink .
4 Get full statements from them and send them on their way . ’
5 Among the many ‘ thank-you ’ letters I wrote , I sent one to Alan Shell of the Humanist Association , who replied , ‘ We are very glad our letter was of help to you and you will be interested to know that I propose to send copies of your letter , with your name deleted , to our funeral officiants in the hope that they will take courage from it and help any others who might be in similar difficulties . ’
6 So that meant that he was he could n't sort of do a heavy heavy work so he just used to do odd job things you know , he 'd sell horse and carts and er he 'd go down to the pier when he used to do the fishing boats , he used to come in and he 'd buy a box of fish from them and go round the streets selling them you know .
7 So concentrate and then sort of pull back a bit from it and check the main bits and a good way is going through the sounds of each syllable .
8 He laid the naked red scrap briefly in Effie 's arms , and said abruptly to McAllister , ‘ Let Rose do that while you take the baby from me and find something to wrap it in .
9 In other words if the estate agent or medical practice will get a phone call from us and say look we 'd like to do your assignment is it convenient .
10 He took Duncan 's suitcase from him and put it on the back seat .
11 I could n't accept any favours from you or waste money unnecessarily .
12 He took her glass from her and set it on the top of the bookshelves , then he said softly , ‘ You look somehow — different . ’
13 One strategy is to take a statement from them and tender it under the Civil Evidence Act to see if the other side serve a counter notice requiring them to be called .
14 ‘ No , absolutely not , though people can take information from it and use it for that purpose if they 're so minded .
15 ‘ Yes , I 'll get a written report from them and let Management have it .
16 I want to gorge on life with you , I want to take your strength from you and give you my care .
17 Next time you get a letter from me and feel inclined to belittle my style , remember that the leading journal of the world calls it noble .
18 Licensed dealers will hold surplus money on deposit from them and take every penny they can .
19 Are you sure that Sergeant did n't take the shot gun from you and put it against er Mr head ?
20 For though you and your ancestors got your property by murder and theft , and you keep it by the same power from us that have an equal right to the land with you by the righteous law of creation , yet we shall have no occasion of quarrelling …
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