Example sentences of "[noun] from [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 He tucked himself into a tight ball , and , at the last moment , rolled on to his side from terror of the rocks beneath the surface .
2 Even though companies ' actions are the result of a substantial contribution of views from many people it is surprising how often one can predict the competitive gambits from knowledge of the characteristics and prejudices of the leader .
3 The proposal document includes examples of documents received " as feedback from members of the library committee on the curriculum needs of their departments " ( Proposal document , Appendix I ) .
4 Assessing and monitoring quality in health care will therefore require continuous interaction and feedback from users of the services at all stages of service design and delivery .
5 The loss of revenue from areas of the country affected by civil unrest had also contributed to the deficit .
6 In 1991 , IBM realised $1.5bn in worldwide revenue from sales of the RS/6000 , which represented a 50% improvement over 1990 .
7 The final communiqué exempted Angola from implementation of the tariff reduction programme for up to three years , and from use of the clearing house for up to four years .
8 Although the government eventually decided to accept royalties from sales of the chip rather than to take an equity share in the company , it was widely seen as the last straw in a conflict between Fields and the administration .
9 She was an expensive woman , all in suede , come by car from north of the river .
10 er it , it proved it like in America they can build a car from end of the production line to the other end , finished , running forty nine seconds
11 Initially there was considerable opposition from members of the faculty who feared that the proposals would undermine their own positions .
12 But the abiding issue of Rhodesia , still in the unilateral and technically illegal control of the minority white government of Ian Smith , despite strong black guerrilla opposition from supporters of the rival Nkomo and Mugabe factions , remained undisturbed .
13 The county court owes its establishment to the cost and complexity of civil procedure , which persuaded the government of the day to pass the County Courts Act 1846 against much opposition from parts of the legal profession .
14 CAMPAIGNERS say Darlington council 's decision to ban disabled drivers from parts of the town centre during peak periods could force them to shop elsewhere .
15 By the way I just wanted to say I went out and got totally plastered on Saturday night , came home and watched those goals from Match Of The Day about six times .
16 Elinor was stunning as the Queen of the Nile , her long black hair smoothed out with wet-look gel , a gold and green silk robe and chunky turquoise earrings and bangles from Star of the East down the market ; and how handsome was Nigel in his mini-skirt , feathers and horse brasses .
17 They were reinforcing the Metropolitan police up in London where CND had organised a Peace March from Hyde Park to Trafalgar Square and the National Front were planning a counter march from south of the Thames .
18 Placards around the Dundee plant gates depicted him as an alien enemy from south of the border .
19 It says that reprocessing costs will have to be met in the short term from proceeds of the fossil fuel levy ( a 10 per cent charge on all electricity bills ) and other income .
20 One of the best collections of Russian books outside the country , now housed in Harvard University library , is made up of books from libraries of the Tsarist country estates , often with the author 's dedicatory inscription .
21 But losses from impeachment of the president or elimination of his post would be greater , ’ he said .
22 The time limit of three months from notification of the adjudication officer 's decision is important .
23 When he handed them over to the Syrians , the major received a special word of thanks from representatives of the country which would , ten years later , help the Americans to bomb Libya .
24 Latinos surged up to Hollywood Boulevard , one of the few breakthroughs from south of the Santa Monica Freeway , and trashed better-bred temples of consumption , such as Fredericks of Hollywood , the famous knicker store .
25 A fine fragment from Argos of the mid seventh century , with the blinding of Polyphemus ( fig. 17 ) , differs in composition and colouring from the run of vase-painting .
26 Indeed Killyleagh 's Cahal Hynds and Barry Montgomery both had chances to seal victory after fine work from Man of the Match Colin Murray .
27 A recent development at Mason 's sliphouse is the transfer from Eagle of the processing of the Franciscan clay body .
28 You 've lost your customers and you 've lost Kenny and suddenly you 're employing a goon on a free transfer from Masters of the Universe .
29 This car , loaned by Lothian Regional Council with financial assistance from the Department for National Savings , proved popular with visitors from north of the Border !
30 A considerable amount of statistical data in support of this thesis has accrued for developing countries from results of the World Fertility Survey , but published statistics for the more developed countries remain sparse .
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