Example sentences of "[noun] but when they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Joe saw an opportunity to get the couple to visit a branch to pick up a ‘ replacement ’ card but when they arrived the police moved in and detained them .
2 A palace aide said last night : ‘ We were all a bit apprehensive about the lunch but when they arrived they put everyone at ease .
3 We have all had these emotions but when they reach such a pitch that our suppression of them can not cope , we explode , turning against whoever or whatever is in our way in an attempt to destroy it .
4 England are a good team but when they play against the ‘ Big Boys ’ they are also-rans .
5 He says ; When it comes down to it people may be able to afford a mortgage but when they need ancillary finance many of the banks and buildings societies are not interested .
6 Prosecutor Mr David Archer told the court that Whitehouse was seen to roll a cigarette by the officers but when they approached , he crunched it up .
7 BRITAIN 'S MINERS DO vital job in gruelling conditions but when they went on strike they sacrificed all their earnings and were attacked by the police .
8 He saw them to the door but when they rode past a minute later , it was already shut .
9 Paul Young shared his taxi with Nigel Dempsey and Christopher MacPherson but when they arrived in Hemlington , Middlesbrough , Mr Young was invited to go with them for a drink .
10 It was returned to the company but when they needed Mrs Dibble 's carriage as well , she turned to Lena for help .
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