Example sentences of "[noun] but who [adv] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 And what , he asks , will happen to the child who does not , bureaucratically speaking , have special educational needs but who never manages to get past Level 2 in any given attainment target ?
2 Yoash Kahn , who has taught in England for many years but who also has strong links with education in Israel , recalls his hostel days with affection , even if he did have problems adjusting to the regime .
3 National Maritime Museum laments ‘ smash and grab ’ approach of private salvage operations but who else has the funds ?
4 He is a man who plays the game with huge heart but who always shares a couple of pints with the opposition afterwards .
5 For example , a supervisor whose principal job is to plan tomorrow 's production assignments and next week 's work schedule but who also has ongoing responsibility for uninterrupted production supplies for the month ahead has a responsibility time span of one month .
6 The advertising vice-president who stays late every night working on next week 's layouts but who also has to begin making contingency plans for the expected launch of two new local advertising media campaigns three years hence has a responsibility time span of three years .
7 postmistress of Steepways ; Hugh , her eldest son , at first believed to have been lost at sea but who later reappears ; Margaret , his wife ; their daughter ; Alfred , Hugh 's younger brother , who helps Captain Jorgan to solve the mystery about his late father 's life-savings ; Jorgan , his infant son by his wife Kitty .
8 It is a thriller about a girl who is charged with killing her boyfriend but who then falls for her lawyer .
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