Example sentences of "[noun] she have n't [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He has some obsession she has n't told him the whole truth . ’
2 There was a switch she had n't noticed before .
3 For one thing he would have to acknowledge that Sarah was not barren , so it must be his own fault she had n't given him children .
4 No wonder she had n't stayed .
5 She had been on the verge of hysteria then ; add to that a day of travelling , with him pushing Chalon as fast as the horse could go carrying a double weight , plus the previous day 's tensions , and it was a wonder she had n't given in to it .
6 It was a wonder she had n't paid the part time gardener extra cash to do it foe her ; perhaps the money in the joint account had run out .
7 No wonder she had n't wakened till after half-past nine !
8 If she 's so anxious about my welfare and morals it 's a wonder she has n't come stamping up here to check out the situation for herself .
9 She tells me that ‘ the mother is just going through the process of grieving for the child she has n't had ’ ( the child is already eight months old ) : the health visitor 's instruction in the art of creating unpersons has been exemplary , and no doubt she is keen to pass this on to the mother .
10 As she blacked out , she thought it was a pity she had n't gotten round to finishing the Christmas decorations .
11 So many men answered her ad she had n't replied to all of them yet ; and the dating agency supplied a steady stream of potential partners .
12 ‘ My sister thinks Garry is abroad , ’ he said , answering the question she had n't liked to ask .
13 Discovering strength and skills she had n't known she possessed , Polly sailed Seawitch away from the wave-lashed rocky coast and out into the safety of deeper water .
14 She could n't remember seeing a room which might be Rob 's , but of course she had n't had to explore the entire house before finding the passport .
15 Of course she had n't screamed like that .
16 Reminding her at length , in case she had n't made a note of it , of the Christmas holiday schedule for the library .
17 Though , ever a man to confuse her , he greeted her pleasantly , ‘ Good morning , darling , ’ and , in case she had n't got the message that the endearment was only on account of their audience , ‘ I 've just been telling my uncle that we 'll be leaving after breakfast . ’
18 If you live round the corner from Mary Whitehouse could you pop in and tell her that her phone is off the hook she has n't replaced the receiver and she she 's quite an elderly lady and I would would be terribly upset if if she had n't got her phone back cos she might need it for emergencies or something like that and I am a caring concerned person so could you could you pop round the corner to Mary 's house and tell her that she has n't put her phone on the hook off the hook properly could you do that ?
19 His touch was feather-light , circling on her with gratifying recognition of needs she had n't known existed , coaxing in her sensations that were wild and intensely pleasurable .
20 ‘ Seems a shame she has n't made a comeback before , ’ he said genially .
21 Till this moment she had n't looked at the river .
22 Thank goodness she had n't mentioned the kiss .
23 If so , this was a side to Caro she had n't suspected .
24 Behind the all-too-flimsy barrier of the dress , Folly could feel a deep red blush spreading to parts of her body she had n't known could blush .
25 Nathan Bryce had woken in her feelings she had n't known existed .
26 Aunt Tossie was deep in talk with a friend she had n't bothered about for years .
27 Was there no end to the things she had n't heard of ?
28 The songs came back to her now , and she thought of all the things she had n't had : a junior prom , dates , valentines , flowers .
29 things she has n't have
30 Peter wondered if he were the only person she had n't bothered to tell .
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