Example sentences of "[noun] they seem [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 For other people at work they seemed to be such joyous occasions .
2 ‘ As far as I can gather from my limited field work they seem to be produced on every possible and impossible occasion .
3 More and more fruits they seemed to be importing in those days , all colours .
4 One moment they seemed to be flying through and over mountains and the next they were skimming over a long , fertile valley , turning to come in with the wind and losing height steadily .
5 so they 're not just making it up out of their heads , it actually , you know , somebody really did a study on this , somebody really put this argument forward erm er partly it 's to , I mean some of the things on those things you ca n't easily get in Aston library anyway , some of the things erm er particularly if they 're references to general , you know , sort of , you know , general bits of the , you know , whatever textbook they seem to be using mostly erm
6 In other places they seem to be in situ and may be the eroded residuals of reefs built in relation to earlier , higher sea levels .
7 Their models are their own or each others ' motets and chansons and the chansons of such Parisian colleagues as Claudin de Sermisy , and they make fuller use of the whole polyphonic complex of the model than their predecessors had done : how flexibly may be seen by comparing the opening of the Kyrie of Clemens 's already mentioned Mass ‘ Misericorde ’ : with that of his chanson ‘ Misericorde au martir amoureulx ’ : Bars 3–5 of the Kyrie are not the extraneous interpolation they seem to be ; they come from bars 18–20 of the chanson :
8 After the race they seemed to be coming up a little more , and by the time we arrived back in Britain I was covered in them .
9 When a concerted and invasive effort has been made to find acid fast rods in sarcoid tissue they seem to be present , and acid fast bacteria without cell walls and tuberculostearic acid have also been isolated from lesions of patients with sarcoidosis .
10 The claspers probably represent the coxites and styles of the 9th segment , though in some cases they seem to be composed only of the styles , the coxites having fused with the sternum .
11 In many cases they seem to be neither , in that they do not have a direct or specific relationship with the labour market ; nor do they fit into the conventional , specialized academic categories .
12 In part they seem to be societal — you score no points if you ditch your spouse — but largely they seem to concern the very basic matter of pair-bonding .
13 We can only guess as to the type of houses at this period , but if we believe the cartographer they seem to be buildings of the Hall House type .
14 As the two components have a common motion through space they seem to be physically associated , but they are at least a light-year apart , and possibly much more .
15 In spite of their success they seemed to be vulnerable to extirpation in a way that some of the less imaginative molluscs , like the bivalves seemed to be immune .
16 But pistachios are no longer the sure-fire success they seemed to be in the 1960s , when Aegina 's soil and air produced nuts of a quality nobody appeared to be able to match .
17 The one thing they seem to be trying to do now is obfuscation and delay er and I think we ought to voice our concern and I hope the Council will agree to ask the Town Clerk to express concern at the way it 's being handled .
18 One thing they seem to be giving the skateboards a rest are n't they ?
19 Although a report in The Builder says that the offices and the residence were designed as three distinct buildings , in an accompanying perspective view from the north-west they seem to be inextricably linked .
20 Both were subject to easily measured norms , timetables and co-ordinated planning : therefore of all systems they seemed to be the most suitable for the immediate application of Taylorism and what Lenin called ‘ the precision of clockwork ’ .
21 Grant had watched them standing in front of the electronic display , puzzling at the excessive time they seemed to be wasting .
22 As has been said , these are essential data for the story , and some of the time they seem to be confirmed .
23 Paul Malone has built up on paper one of the strongest squads in the league , but on the pitch they seem to be destroyed by lesser sides such as Ballyclare and Cliftonville .
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