Example sentences of "[noun] they have be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In 1834 reforming zealots destroyed a vast collection of Exchequer tallies in the furnaces of the House of Lords , and through the centuries they have been thoughtlessly thrown out and destroyed in the same way that , after a period , we ourselves dump old bills and receipts .
2 But when editors have seen it in the States they 've been very impressed but find it difficult to use .
3 Whatever force they have is completely exhausted by those underlying considerations .
4 Aye everything was gi really fantastic the people that helped the people that gave to the strike , out of this world I know the help they had was really fantastic .
5 She imagined Georg happy and married to some nice girl , while she went on in this gulf of misery for the rest of her life , hanging around waiting for glimpses of Gesner , spending every night reliving every moment they had been together , all the wonderful things he had said to her , the magic of his hands when he touched her — she shivered .
6 Sartori had been indulgent for the weeks they 'd been together .
7 Then he held out his arms and she went into them , laughing , wiping out the days they had been apart in that one eager meeting .
8 In spite of being so fair , his skin had taken on quite a deep tan in the few days they had been there .
9 some days they 've been about four ah ?
10 Although as a group they had been officially emancipated in 1871 , burakumin became the sporadic scapegoats of popular resentment , and social discrimination persisted on a wide scale in spheres such as education , employment and marriage .
11 In the twenty years they 've been here , they 've clearly thrived .
12 The habit of giving in to him was still hard to break , though , even after all the years they had been apart .
13 The last few years they had been more apart , until in 1969 they both rediscovered each other in one of the first Women 's Liberation groups in London .
14 One of my former patients , whose ex-husband had spent their entire marriage telling her that she was ‘ stupid ’ or ‘ brainless ’ , told me that , although she knew perfectly well that this was not true , by the time she had heard it said every day for the twelve years they had been together she had begun to believe that there must be something in it .
15 John Bratby R A A Retrospective , Gray Art Gallery , Clarence Road , Hartlepool ( Until April OVER the years they have been more than just good friends the Gray Art Gallery , in Hartlepool , and John Bratby , founder member of the ‘ Kitchen Sink School ’ , and , since 1971 , a full member of the Royal Academy .
16 In their financial affairs they have been abnormally secretive .
17 In the case of the powerpack they have been greatly influenced by the work of Professor Thring and his colleagues , and have proposed a hybrid powerpack which would make the best use of an internal combustion engine and electric motor and would reduce fuel consumption by some 50% and toxic emissions by 80% .
18 The parents have very little social contact with friends , relatives , or authority and any contact they have is often unpleasant .
19 But in sport as a whole they have been mostly conspicuous by their absence .
20 For the past decade they have been more concerned with health-care than with wages and some fear that the benefits their members will get under a national plan could be less than they have managed to negotiate .
21 All these diets are low-calorie ones , and for many people they have been highly successful .
22 Minutes they had been together and yet she felt that if he walked away out of her life now she would feel a loss that could n't be explained .
23 Although in France changes in the balance of class relations permitted a whittling away of forms of labour representation in the state enterprises , in Britain they have been much more resistant to change , until recent years at least .
24 When tested at the end of the first year they were found to have developed on average at about half the rate that is usual , though there were indications that at birth they had been potentially normal .
25 Behind the scenes they have been steadily resisting , for many years , the introduction of even the most basic and cheap safety measures such as cab radios .
26 Scientific studies have established that 80 per cent of the salmon they have been systematically killing were returning to your rivers and should have laid your golden eggs .
27 Tax-free depreciation allowances are also in common use , but in Japan they have been more selectively applied .
28 In the United States and Europe they 've been much more appreciative , which saddens him a little .
29 It is appropriate to try to discover if such institutions were ever actually the way they had been previously presented by a scholarship interested ( even if it did not declare its interest ) in constructing its own version of the past to answer its own preoccupations .
30 He said dogs could not have killed the rabbits in the way they had been savagely slaughtered .
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