Example sentences of "[noun] on how [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 The parish priest of Brackenstown , Swords , County Dublin , distributed a newsletter at all masses on Ascension Thursday , 22 May — though before he had read Archbishop MacNamara 's guidelines on how to conduct the campaign — claiming that no-fault divorce was first introduced by Nazi Germany and that it had since wreaked ‘ more havoc on the Allied countries than any German army or air force ever did ’ ( Irish Times , 28 June 1986 ) .
2 BS7750 , with 18 fairly rigid sections , is tougher — Clive Gordon wants to see specific catering-geared guidelines on how to use the standard .
3 Video Guide for teachers , giving detailed guidance on how to use the video and the Activity Book
4 The book functions equally well as a resource for the experienced teacher , and as a handbook for those looking for guidance on how to use the role-play technique .
5 Video Guide , with a full introduction to project work and detailed guidance on how to use the video .
6 All this chapter attempts is to offer guidance on how to find the way through the statutory provisions which , understandably , tend to be expressed in accountants ' language rather than that of lawyers .
7 We will launch with the TECs a new initiative , giving people a voucher with which they can buy a ‘ skill check ’ , providing assessment and guidance on how to make the most of their working lives .
8 It is followed by guidance on how to make the best use of existing staff .
9 The Conservative 's plan a continuation of current training programmes for the long-term unemployed together with a new initiative in conjunction with the Training and Enterprise Councils giving people a voucher with which they can buy a ‘ skill check ’ , providing guidance on how to make the most of their working lives .
10 And with harassed English treasurers now seeking help from the Scots on how to implement the tax next April , one senior council official said he could offer only two words of advice — ‘ Expect chaos . ’
11 Elizabeth Keevill sheds a little light on how to get the right combination and presents some modern and traditional styles
12 A confirmation of your reservation will be sent to you together with directions on how to reach the venue .
13 In addition , you will find step-by-step directions on how to connect the camcorder to a colour television for playback , and how to operate special functions such as fades and inserts .
14 advising management on how to improve the flow of essential information
15 Diagrams and instructions on the top of the unit were a useful reminder on how to use the boiler .
16 The Video Guide contains detailed advice for the teacher on how to exploit the full teaching potential of the video .
17 Questionnaires in the rooms inviting the guests to comment on the standards of facilities and service and what extra facilities the guests would like incorporated is another method of providing ideas on how to improve the saleability of the product .
18 They know the truth : that life with an aged parent can be a strange mixture of joy and sorrow , and all they ask is for that fact to be accepted , not glossed over by their family and society , and then to be offered some practical ideas on how to make the best of a good job , which they consider to be well worth doing .
19 Women 's magazines were full of ideas on how to make the best of one 's appearance in spite of the meagre supplies of make up available in the shops .
20 ‘ We 've discussed the problem at length — has anyone any ideas on how to solve the problem ? ’
21 Her role may be restricted to advising the carers on how to treat the patient , and she may only visit the family once .
22 Throughout the guide there is advice to all property owners on how to improve the aesthetic appearance of their estates .
23 Entrepreneurs advertising " Landlords Lib " sold licence forms at 50p a time , and the legal profession organised day schools for property owners on how to use the new technique .
24 The companies are likely to provide basic instruction on how to use the computer .
25 Oh yes , of course , these mostly ill-educated people would be given full instruction on how to regulate the dome environments , how to manage the delicate hydroponics farms clustered like eggs round the city skirts .
26 Since Hamilton had flown south two days before he had been mainly involved in fighting pressmen , and briefing intelligence officers on how to counter the rumours and counter-rumours that were sweeping Scotland .
27 Reminders on how to use the controls , how to seek out the opponents players and beat them up , and how to move across the terrain are all supplied .
28 Response to last week 's items on how to estimate the weight of a donkey and goose-grazing hours has been staggering .
29 Introductory notes give tips on tension swatches , measurements and knitting methods with a list of suggestions on how to use the designs to create individual and personalised garments .
30 Video Guide for teachers , with practical suggestions on how to use the video to greatest effect
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