Example sentences of "[noun] on [pron] [pers pn] could " in BNC.

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1 We put in a new sink and Malcolm bought us a Baby Belling cooker , one electric ring on which we could heat a an of beans very , very slowly .
2 But , since she could n't do anything about the car situation until that wretched part had been delivered , should n't she concentrate her worries on what she could do something about ?
3 There were awkward times as well as good times , and subjects on which we could never agree .
4 fix a roof on it it could be made into a very attractive rural type property , it it 's typical of the kind of property which in a village we 're dying for
5 He was a Stradivarius among performers ; a perfect instrument on which you could play anything .
6 And one looks at the two most likely existing settlements on which you could do that to are , of course , Easingwold , to the Nor to the Northwest , and Tadcaster to the South .
7 Fief-rentes provided kings with a pool of mercenaries on whom they could call without having to compete in the open market with other war-lords .
8 That fine piece of legislation would have long since passed into law and we would have had lots of time to spend on Opposition days , motions of censure and other matters on which we could spend our time much more effectively .
9 He was sent to be , commanded to be , the first completely human being , the first to be wholly at one with the human race , to be , therefore , wholly at risk from us , to be the victim , the scapegoat on whom we could project our guilt and our fear of being human , of being loved .
10 Therefore , the only basis on which we could have a property tax and valuation would be on a national banding system because that would be understandable and objective .
11 There were two bases on which he could have been convicted , either that the jury accepted that he had fetched the knife from his home , or , alternatively , that he had obtained the knife during the struggle but that they were satisfied that the essentials of self-defence were not made out .
12 The council had done its best , formulating a writ to all sheriffs to issue proclamations forbidding the spreading of lying rumours that Richard was alive , and committing to prison all culprits on whom they could lay hands .
13 It had a red and yellow band on which I could just read the word Cubana .
14 Demanded Mademoiselle now ashamed of her part in the affair and ready to vent her humiliated feelings on anyone she could .
15 She hung on to the towelling and the scissors , and then looked around the dismal room to find a clean surface on which she could put them .
16 To me , as to so many others , David was a friend on whom I could rely .
17 She now had three of that lady 's outfits in the wardrobe and there had not yet been an occasion on which she could wear one of them : the last one had been a winter coat sporting a large fur collar , and the previous one , as Miss Belle called it , an afternoon tea gown .
18 The leaders of the non-Tory parties would have to discuss the principles on which they could agree and those on which they could not .
19 We miss her presence at head office — both as a character and a colleague on whom we could rely 100 per cent .
20 I was seeking a scrap of common ground on which we could mutually back away from the argument .
21 So even when he 'd got the drop on them they could still count on messing him around somehow .
22 Acceptable to all shades of political and military opinion , as well as to the Catholic Church , fascist Italy and Nazi Germany , yet not identified exclusively with any one of them , Franco was the common denominator on which they could all agree , for as long as the war demanded that particular interests be subordinated to the overall objective of defeating the common enemy .
23 She had given him an ideal ; she had given him what appears to have been unfailing and uncritical support : he was never as an adult to be easy without one woman on whom he could totally rely .
24 First , the range of choice at local level seems , if anything , to have been reduced as a consequence of a series of tighter and tighter rules , first on levels of expenditure and then on activities on which it could be spent .
25 When bad times came and wages were below the level on which they could support their families , the labourers found that they had to ask the authorities of the parish in which they lived for relief ; in other words they became paupers , who could be sent to the workhouse .
26 ‘ How is Kathleen ? ’ she asked , to give herself some time and in an effort to restore the conversation to a level on which she could cope .
27 Kelly had no more rides on whom she could expunge the memory of that first race .
28 This may not matter too much if they have professional advisers on whom they could rely .
29 In what many observers regarded as a further example of the new censorship , Gosteleradio on Feb. 1 withdrew from Radio Russia two frequencies giving it an audience throughout the Soviet Union , and assigned to it instead a frequency on which it could reach only 60 per cent of the population and which reduced the quality of reception .
30 Sidonius , like the Late Antique authors on whom he modelled himself , had written such letters to ensure the existence of a pool of friends on whom he could count in times of need .
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