Example sentences of "[noun] with [noun prp] [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 Christopher Boyle and Darren Mills had struck a deal with David Hawthorne over the sale of t-shirts .
2 Merson is controlling his diet and craving for fast-food in a bid to lose a few pounds excess weight , but spoke out yesterday to nail the lies that he has had a bust-up with George Graham over the battle of the bulge .
3 An unofficial Die-hard faction of the Unionists tried to undermine the coalition from within , supporting the army in its battle with Lloyd George over military control on the western front during the Maurice debate .
4 Soon after making The Public Enemy Cagney was to publicize his battle with Warner Bros over the roles he was being made to play and it became very evident that he was a shrewd and realistic businessman who perfectly understood his commercial and artistic value to the studios .
5 Should Venables fail , he will return to Nottingham Forest and bid for Kingsley Black , despite his continuing battle with Brian Clough over striker Teddy Sheringham .
6 ‘ I had rather a rough passage with Canon Wheeler over the sermon , ’ she said , and explained .
7 But we have to take issue with Camilla Buxton over her remarks on the banking system .
8 His catalogue of indiscretions really began in 1987 when he crossed swords with Kenny Dalglish over Jones ' alleged threat that he intended ‘ to rip off his ear and spit in the hole . ’
9 neighbour of Krook 's who , with her friend , Mrs Piper , leads the gossip in the court where they all live and is occasionally at variance with Mrs Piper over the behaviour of their respective children .
10 THE Maastricht Treaty Bill was set to gain its second reading in the Lords early today after a marathon two day debate which saw Margaret Thatcher lead a head on clash with Mr Major over her call for a referendum .
11 The season of 1983 began with another skirmish with Frank Dick over my non-selection for the European Indoor Championships .
12 This incident set the pattern for my relationship with Frank Dick over the ensuing seven years .
13 ’ There was trouble with Emily Lightbody over a file this afternoon . ’
14 In her arguments with John James over powers allocated to her design group she wrote , also in a telex : ‘ This company has always been design dominated , ’ and then bolstered her argument by adding ‘ see memos from BA leaving no doubt whatsoever . ’
15 Mr Kinnock also sprang a surprise by restoring Ms Clare Short to the front bench less than a year after she resigned as spokeswoman on Employment in an acrimonious row with Mr Kinnock over the party 's stance on the Prevention of Terrorism Act .
16 Europe had been the policy issue which had precipitated his challenge and he reiterated his differences with Mrs Thatcher over Europe .
17 A glittering figure on the international financial circuit , he not only provided East Germany with much-needed foreign currency but also played a central part in all political and economic exchanges with West Germany over the past 30 years .
18 A glittering figure on the international financial circuit , he not only provided East Germany with much-needed foreign currency but also played a central part in all political and economic exchanges with West Germany over the past 30 years .
19 Law personally conducted the negotiations with Gardner Sinclair over the sale of the Observer and the Pall Mall Gazette in 1914 ; this negotiation also demonstrates that , as well as producing information and nursing editors , the party had to work hard to keep some of the newspapers in business .
20 Did you keep in touch with Sir Conrad over all those years when he was away ? ’
21 Cecil was more concerned with policy than with party or personal ambition ; he parted company with Lloyd George over the League of Nations and post-war diplomacy ; once outside the government he manoeuvred with other discontented " outs " .
22 Olechowski 's resignation came during talks with IMF representatives over renewing an agreement with the IMF , suspended in 1991 because of the budget deficit [ see p. 38832 ] .
23 He has had talks with Counc Woodhead over the weekend .
24 One has only to read the correspondence of F.J. Osborn with Lewis Mumford over these years ( Hughes , 1971 ) to appreciate the single-minded zeal that could be generated for the attainment of the new Jerusalem .
25 Novell Inc has intensified its dispute with Microsoft Corp over use of its requester technology in Windows for Workgroups and has invoked a clause in its technology-swapping agreement that bars Microsoft from shipping NetWare code in future Windows products , PC Week reports .
26 Worsening relations with Egypt over expulsion of workers — Continuing dispute with Saudi Arabia over oil supplies
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