Example sentences of "[noun] that each [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The hon. Gentleman should bear in mind that each of the two cases to which he has referred was decided by the trial judge on the basis of medical evidence , including independent medical evidence .
2 As an entertaining diversion and one on which you can again get your hands dirty we consider a small point which naturally arises here , namely : Is it in fact the case that each of the numbers Nn is itself a prime ?
3 If that is the case that each of the political parties , as I assume is the case for er the Conservative party , I know it to be the case of the Labour party I assume the same is true for the Liberal Democrats and other parties represented in this house , that they undertake the very considerable organisational er er process of selecting candidates only to find a few weeks before June the ninth , that as a result of the difficulties that I 've described as far as the French government attitude towards these elections is concerned , that er in fact we have to revert to the existing arrangements and that we can not have these new er boundaries in place .
4 The finding that each of the AMPA receptor subunits can exist in two alternatively spliced variants , termed flip and flop , with different conductance properties , raises the possibility that LTP reflects a change in the relative expression of the flip and flop variants .
5 So we can reject the hypothesis that each of the coefficients on the variables are zero , and conclude that current and up to two lags in had a significant impact on the unemployment rate .
6 One further dimension to such a system is the possibility of " networking " a number of micros This involves the interconnecting of micros which retain their full power as independent computers but gain the additional ability of communicating with other computers in the network and having access to common files The result is analogous to a minicomputer with a number of terminals but with the big difference that each of the micros has its own processing power instead of sharing that of the mini .
7 The suffering and death of Jesus is such an important part of the story of Jesus that each of the Gospel writers devotes a major part of his Gospel to it : Matthew , seven chapters ; Luke , five chapters ; and Mark , one-third of his Gospel five chapters .
8 The preferred method of financing is established by considering the characteristics of the project , the sponsor 's objectives and the impact that each of the financing options will have on the financial return from the project .
9 Israel 's God would be unique only in the sense that each of the gods on Mount Olympus is unique , with a particular history of actions and involvement in the human world .
10 It is the basis in the sense that each of the dependent conditionals rests on some independent conditional and a further premiss related to the antecedent of the independent conditional .
11 To find the lowest common multiple , or L.C.M. , the smallest number that each of the given numbers can be divided into without leaving a remainder , follow this method .
12 The work is founded on the principle that each of the dead should be commemorated individually by name either on the headstone on the grave or by an inscription on a memorial .
13 We conclude this section by identifying in more detail the tasks that each of the named roles implies .
14 The main reason has been its long standing commitment ( still evident in some quarters ) to the idea that each of the different forms of functional psychosis is really a distinct type of brain disease , equivalent to those studied in neurology .
15 They focused on the fact that each of the four families followed a different form of worship .
16 The sort of money involved can be gauged from the fact that each of the 31 trains for InterCity 's newly-electrified east coast main line cost £6m .
17 The sort of money involved can be gauged from the fact that each of the 31 trains for InterCity 's newly-electrified east coast main line cost £6m
18 According to Professor Van de Wetering , the first publicly to criticise the restoration , these discrepancies can all be accounted for by the fact that each of the three investigations were conducted to answer completely different questions .
19 The economic and constitutional rights of the republics , at the same time , should be increased and defined more precisely ; but any changes of this kind must take account of the fact that each of the republics was itself a multinational state in which the interests of all national groups must be properly respected .
20 Nevertheless , the intense interest in how many Scots will make the Lions ' party for New Zealand is assuredly not diluted by the fact that each of the thistle 's three Grand Slams has followed hard upon just such a British Isles venture .
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