Example sentences of "[noun] that it [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Goaded beyond endurance , she took a wild swing that connected with his shield with such force that it nearly wrenched her arms out of their sockets .
2 She scuttled over to the far side of the room and had managed to read quite a lot of the letter before Julius came charging after her , taking the paper back from her with such force that it almost ripped in half .
3 The realisation that this illness could apply to anyone broke down the illusion that it only affects those who have dropped out of society .
4 The road ran straight ahead of us until it disappeared in the mist , except that at the man 's feet it was gone and there was a gap some fifty metres or so wide through which a brown torrent ran so high and in such furious waves that it almost lipped the broken macadam where the road had been swept away .
5 Bearing in mind that it only takes 20 milligrams of this poi-son to kill a dog , and that a cat is equally susceptible , it is clear that here we have a serious threat to an incautious feline .
6 Around me , as the pirates and Famlio stared at Gharr , the atmosphere grew so much charged with fury and tension that it almost crackled , like a defective energy field .
7 Ethnomethodology is an organizational study of a member 's own knowledge of his ordinary affairs , of his own organized enterprises , where this knowledge is treated … as part of the same setting that it also makes orderable ( Garfinkel 1974 : 18 )
8 THE CITY is in grave danger of being bullied into subscribing for shares in the water industry that it neither wants nor needs .
9 Even music is so often used as a ‘ background noise ’ in shops and restaurants that it sometimes seems that we have forgotten how to listen to it .
10 It was n't until the final two weeks of term that it really hit me that I was actually going to have to go .
11 For Leavis , Cambridge English offers a way forward for the discipline as a whole by virtue of its emancipation from " linguistic grinds " and Anglo-Saxon , but only on condition that it now becomes infused by a " general discipline " addressed to the growth of " intelligence and sensibility " .
12 Whatever we may think of Oliphant 's views , we have to assume there would be little point in attacks on [ h ] -dropping by the educated elite unless it was highly salient and widespread , and it is reasonable to assume for these reasons that it probably has quite a long history in the language .
13 After it has been sacrificed , the salamander 's tail wriggles about just like the lizard 's tail , but it has the additional advantage that it often contains poison glands which the killer finds pungently distasteful .
14 Aid has created such artificial divisions within what should be normal national programmes of health care or agriculture that it now obstructs the development of such programmes on a country-wide basis .
15 We have discussed the evidence for a body clock and the kinds of rhythmic change that it normally produces .
16 It is a tribute to how far we have come already in theoretical physics that it now takes enormous machines and a great deal of money to perform an experiment whose results we can not predict .
17 What this will do is present at a disadvantage when it comes to competing with other units to secure the contracts that it ultimately undertakes at the minute .
18 The enclosure turned the Broyle into the landscape of ploughland bisected by long straight roads that it still remains .
19 In contrast , the middle-class Bleak House admits the light and air of day through its open windows , and is so fertile in its humanity that it even gives birth to another , the ‘ rustic cottage of doll 's rooms ’ which shares its name , prepared for Esther by Mr Jarndyce on her marriage to Alan Woodcourt .
20 The operation , although nearly always refused by vets in Britain , has become so common in certain countries that it even has an official name .
21 Sometimes composers decorate their music to such a degree that it almost seems to be the main substance of the music .
22 In truth the KGB spends most of its time and resources , rather like the NSA , scooping up large amounts of trivia that it evidently believes are extremely valuable .
23 ‘ Fru Møller just told that lady that it never rains here in August , but the dolls say it often does and they packed their mackintoshes ! ’
24 The grass is so high in parts of West Derby cemetery that it completely hides some of the gravestones .
25 In its post-election issue , the Independent on Sunday offered a list of phrases that it never wanted to hear again .
26 Meaning may be wrapped in so many layers of words or unnecessary phrases that it almost disappears .
27 In the 1960's the date was changed to a Sunday to make it easier for people , but there was such an outcry that it soon reverted to the traditional Friday .
28 If the Act does apply , the landlord must establish one of the grounds permitted by the Act if the tenant opposes the notice on the basis that it fully intends to resume occupation of the premises when they are reinstated .
29 Schools were not compelled to employ an MRO ; in fact , to have an MRO a school had to prove to the media advisory team that it both needed and valued the skills offered .
30 He should understand that ‘ the story of Christ is simply a true myth : a myth working on us in the same way as the others , but with this tremendous difference that it really happened : and one must be content to accept it in the same way . ’
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