Example sentences of "[noun] that we [vb base] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The the lists that we get range from mediocre to pretty good to excellent .
2 Bats may even use the sensations that we call colour for their own purposes , to represent differences in the world out there that have nothing to do with the physics of wavelength , but which play a functional role , for the bat , similar to the role that colours play to us .
3 Unless Yugoslav commanders receive some clear indication that we mean business in Austria their infiltration tactics will lead to an impossible situation . "
4 It happens to be a physical fact that the light that we call red has a longer wavelength than the light that we call blue .
5 I think one of the biggest problems we 've got or I 've I 've had in the last couple of years is that we 've got so many primary schools that we get children from Spring Gardens and Western are now producing national curriculum information for which Marian has got .
6 ‘ The Single Market demands that we define Europe , not the UK , as our domestic market and that we make it as easy for a customer in Turin , Munich or Nice to buy from us as one in Coventry or London . ’
7 The reasons that we need guidelines now is we had n't time to study them at the time and up to the present moment , as far as I 'm aware there 's one section that 's just been formed a couple of months ago .
8 It seems to be the case that we interweave desire and pleasure with pain and punishment ; that for women , the chasing of elusive sexual goals remains familiar , and our pleasure is indeed obscured behind a barbed wire fence of masochistic images .
9 It is this faculty which sees the subtle physical aspects of the aura , for instance , while in full outward manifestation this faculty is expressed as our physical eyes , which are sensitive to the small section of the electromagnetic spectrum that we call light .
10 But it is from after the change that we have evidence for Councillors like Kleon and the fourth-century Athenian Demosthenes whose year on the Council fell at improbably convenient moments for their political careers ; this makes one suspect corruption , a suspicion strengthened by Aischines ' direct accusation that Demosthenes bribed his way onto the Council in 346 ( iii.62 ) .
11 aspects of an individual which we designate as making him an author are only a projection , in more or less psychologising terms , of the operations that we force texts to undergo , the connections that we make , the traits that we establish as pertinent , the continuities that we recognise , or the exclusions that we practice .
12 Well see that 's , that 's one route that we do business and the other route is through recommendations from , from either other people
13 While I 'm having a look at this just a quick glance through erm there 's the er range of products that we print design publish , we do n't sell them , for our clients .
14 Well , would anyone like to move and second that we accept Tracy 's report and
15 The bids that we have wording of support .
16 There is such a variety of good literature available for inclusion in syllabuses that we want teachers to have the freedom to make their own choice of suitable books within our broad guidelines .
17 Thankfully , that win backed up my insistence that we re-sign Trevor Proby .
18 Most tone-units are of a type that we call simple , and the sort that we call compound are not discussed in this chapter .
19 In terms of the concentration of energy , it will occupy the smallest volume , and I do n't think it 's and accident that we use petrol .
20 We 've been telling the Rugby Union for years that we want help ; what they 're doing now is like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted . ’
21 For it is for ourselves and our own lost years that we grieve years , happy and sad , that will not come again .
22 There is nothing in the event which is necessarily traceable to a divine source and nothing which proves the system of doctrines and revelations that we call religion .
23 They put forward the notion that we construct routine groupings of aspects of experience , schemata , which tend to occur regularly together .
24 It 's one of those things that we think lies dormant , and can flare up if the patient has been under strain or run down .
25 Concentrating on systems-constraints , one may then ask what necessary and jointly sufficient conditions must be met in order for that highly co-ordinated kind of inter-dependent behaviour that we call interaction to " come off " .
26 It 's erm now we 're doing this you know so that the Holy Spirit , as you er remember is the third person in the trinity that we call God .
27 Well let's just give you some idea , we 're not talking er telephone figures here we 're talking about the platform that we give people to earn that sort of money .
28 The key to our success is the recognition by users and their families that we avoid notions of coercion and forcible treatment , that psychiatric practice involves more than ensuring compliance with medication .
29 This is a significant service that we provide tor the profession .
30 Certainly there is a lot of evidence that we have senses other than the ‘ official ’ six .
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