Example sentences of "[noun] that he [vb past] them " in BNC.

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1 After his accession Richard parted with all his East Anglian estates to Howard , an indication that he regarded them as a peripheral part of his power base .
2 After his accession Richard parted with all his East Anglian estates to Howard , an indication that he regarded them as a peripheral part of his power base .
3 We must of course remember that many English liberals continued to support Napoleon — see Gillray 's cartoon of English liberals incensed by the naval victories of Nelson ; one of these , William Hazlitt , was so amazed at the change in Wordsworth and Coleridge that he accused them , later , of swinging over ‘ as on a pivot , to the unclean side ’ .
4 By his statement of claim , the plaintiff alleged that on July 6 , 1932 , the defendants by their solicitor , a Mr. Kennard , verbally agreed with him that , if he would on July 7 , 1932 , pay the £208 in cash into a bank at Eastbourne for the credit of the solicitor 's firm at the Law Courts branch of the Bank of England , that payment would satisfy all sums that he owed them and a bankruptcy notice which they had issued in respect of part of the debt would not be served on him .
5 Since the literary works to which Ken devoted himself in the long years which followed his brief episcopate were largely unremarkable and unread , the waste of his inspired and inspiring vocation as a bishop has appeared both to contemporary and subsequent critics exasperating ; for his scruples about swearing the oath of allegiance to William and Mary were so nearly overcome by his friends that he asked them not to continue their arguments lest he succumb .
6 So they tied him with chains but the demonic powers were so great in his life that he snapped them like new cords .
7 Hatton was so impressed by his bad boys that he gave them colourful 1930s ‘ punk rock ’ pseudonyms — Alf Artful , Billy Dustup and Reggie Smashem — which are no more suggestive of obedience and docility than other pre-war descriptions of brawls , affrays , legless drunks , or street robbers armed with sand-bags and cut-throat razors .
8 On that night he watched himself in the mirror all night , and for the very first time he was the one who asked for things and who made things happen in the order that he wanted them to .
9 He probably told all women that he wanted them .
10 One essential was that the head had to make it clear to his colleagues that he trusted them .
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