Example sentences of "[noun] you [verb] [pron] 's " in BNC.

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1 At a glance you know what 's on and how high .
2 Scott you know he 's a swine now Scott
3 Yes but if you change your mind you see there 's
4 Who 's who 's gon na know when they lis to compile a dictionary and what words you use who 's gon na know who you are ?
5 When you see the blood you know it 's for real .
6 You 've got the fact that you we 're paying Dennis but we do n't employ Dennis you know he 's he 's so there there 's the extra cost there what you would n't have anywhere else .
7 Erm at dinner times you can go into the music room erm you can play on any music instrument you like there 's keyboards erm , violins guitars erm drums .
8 P You know it 's like living in a moving caravan , but you 're coming along anyway ! ( not acceptable for shared yacht bookings )
9 Oh god Oh no wonder you say there 's us like eating cockles I suppose as the French eating snails int it ?
10 Depending on which gossip column you read he 's either planning to wed his long-term live-in girlfriend , Toukie Smith , sister of the late fashion designer Willie Smith , or he 's secretly dating model Naomi Campbell .
11 by the veins , there 's always an exception to every rule and the exception to that rule in the case of the heart and the lung connection is the pulmonary artery and the pulmonary vein , you may not get asked anything about this , but just in case you do it 's as well to know , in that instance the flow is reversed , in other words the pulmonary vein takes blood away from the heart and up to the lungs , and the pulmonary artery brings the oxygenated blood back down to the heart from the lungs , if you want to have a look at the diagrams for that and look at it yourself later on , there 's no need for you to get concerned or confused about this at all , there 's no need .
12 However , in case you think it 's that simple , terminal bonuses , supposedly surplus profits earned from investments in previous years , have varied in their direction simultaneously from life office to life office .
13 Can t you see she 's stopped with you poor little brute . "
14 We do enough succession planning in C U you know it 's magic you know , you know number two like it 's smashing number two it 's still you know , you know young children , number two has a different connotation to what it does here , but definitely if you are a number two here , it means the same to what a child thinks it is , but I
15 he 's taken that son-in-law you know he 's
16 ‘ Of course you know she 's aiming to get you back into the city as an accountant ? ’
17 Speedy can of course you know he 's a good little leaper for a small lad but they 're not just gon na be able to whack the ball up there .
18 You know in a way South Wales is paying back the debt that we pa w w we paid them in their strike you know I mean and That 's communities helping communities and if really this management is talking about er the fact that they resent families not having to go without over Christmas and this sort of thing you know I mean where are their values you know it 's difficult to understand is n't it ?
19 Erm the only thing that occurred to me I just wondered if she knew somebody who had a dearly loved dog that , did n't want to train it but you know she could perhaps just take along for the joy of running it and training it but I think part of the pleasure is the reflected glory you know it 's my dog
20 If you look at it every ten minutes you notice it 's
21 It 's like it 's it was a you know it 's been and still is an experience you know it 's sort of n none of us almost you know we we do n't realize it 's happening and you know you like back on the minutes of .
22 The first few times you go it 's interesting and exciting as anything new is , but eventually it 's hot and dusty and really quite boring .
23 And whether the wheel is turning too fast for them to cope with it somewhere along the line they 've lost control any and there 's still I 'm told young many a time a good shop steward and a good management should be a good team together , but erm unless they can work in harmony you know it 's no good .
24 Yeah how much effect it does have I do n't know because where but I think it 's it 's really basis you know it 's better to be safe than sorry .
25 Phil you know he 's such a nice chap and anybody who 's got any problems will go right to Phil .
26 in the current climate you see it 's also erm interesting because of course this , this , this sort of theory depends who 's interviewing you .
27 Yeah , yeah dining chairs , six dining chairs they cost me seventy , I spent over thirty already on materials for the top material the foam you know it 's , everything 's so dear now is n't it ?
28 You 've been rode merr often than Trigger By the light of the silvery moon Ye think he 's Clark Gable , turns oot he 's The Creature Fae the Black Lagoon .
29 yeah and it 's a public relations exercise , and we 've been lumbered with it you know over the years we 've tried to push crime prevention and people come in and they do take notes of various things you know there 's obviously some people who come in and talk about crime prevention which we can answer fully , there are other enquiries about everything from bloody
30 well the best way , well the way I always go is through Barbon , through Barbon and then into Dent and Dane is strung out about five mile or six mile you know it 's just er Dane in itself is so lovely you get over from Barbon
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