Example sentences of "[noun] you [verb] [pron] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have , but he does n't believe there are two of us ; he saw the card you sent me and he thinks I got the idea of a twin from that .
2 But he 's always been like that with them kids you know yourself if they do anything it 's got ta be done
3 And you had if it was no good you wanting something and waving a bit of plastic at it .
4 Sue you tell him cos you know how the story goes .
5 This does fulfil the essential of making your hero gain some useful fact from each scene you show him or her in , though the danger for the tyro plotter is that at the end of each interview one more suspect will have simply been " written out " .
6 I mean I do n't mind which institutional type you call it because it 's not so much the courses , it 's the numbers of people and the numbers of places you have to service
7 The the ruling is , that if you catch a child you take her and keep her in the office and send for the parents .
8 Remember that big sloppy jumper you knitted me when I was in the sixth form — that maroon one ?
9 and that was my Barclaycard number in case you want it although I ordered it through the thr phone I made out that so that I could read it off on the telephone I did n't even erm I did n't even assemble it I just looked and I saw it does n't chop I thought it would chop things but does n't , it only grates Looks as though it had been out before , you know , you look at this !
10 I find it difficult to remember so many different things about chemistry , where at least with physics I seem to remember what things are supposed to be about … with physics you see it and understand it and it 's stored , with chemistry … there are so many complicated formulae and whatever you 've got to look at it again before you can regurgitate it .
11 Personally I think it should be restricted to about four weeks and get more exhibitions in there for wider variety and also there 's a number of er travelling exhibitions around the country that come down North er from up North down to the South to show around here that you can book these any time you want er I talked to somebody organised an exhibition in London and they are quite willing to come to Harlow you book us and we have nothing like this at all .
12 Vic tried to argue that it did n't make any difference how many toilets you had , it was the number of times you flushed them that mattered , but his father was convinced that having so many toilets was an incitement to unnecessary peeing , therefore to excessive flushing .
13 You made it plain from the moment you met me that you were available , but you miscalculated if you imagined I 'd fallen for your little scheme . ’
14 Any way that was it and you st and you f forked them all round and you after it was er up you was put up to do the tramping round and round and you Every forkful you took it and saw that it was laid down and tramped it round like this , round and round and round and then the next one , till it was up .
15 If anything if if it does You see again and then you see if you 're out of a job you see you if you happen to be out of a job then you 're not eligible for a pension policy .
16 So you can get the three in there , and bung them in as one package you get them while they got them voucher things on offer .
17 Yes , but there 's no point you doing it that because it 's like , if they are a waste of space you 're not going to be able to get rid of them because you 've told them that they 're a waste of space , it needs to be something that 's much more positive , than just going round saying that .
18 How you look at someone , the attention you give them and your body language are all means of communication and can have a strong effect upon the recipient , even if he only perceives it on a subconscious level .
19 You will not have to record every tiny thing you eat or work out calories but it is important that each day you weigh yourself if you possibly can .
20 But the chances are , too , that if at the beginning you saw yourself as writing a crime novel and no more , then you will have spoilt the novel you eventually turned out to have produced , as well as causing in a good many of your readers a subtle feeling of disappointment .
21 And he had this two bags of sugar you know one that was and he was gon na light his pipe and he threw us and he could n't get off and it strangled him .
22 The kind of thing you ask yourself when you 've got a bad hangover .
23 So definition of simple harmonic motion you find anything that 's moving so that the acceleration is always measured the opposite way
24 When the signs are the same if they 're two pluses you add them and it 's plus if they 're both minus you add them and it 's minus here you take the smaller from the larger and give it the sign of a larger .
25 Well you just got into the way you lifted them and you just look my elbows are .
26 What it is is , is all about erm they 're studying your voice and like the way you change it and all what the different like
27 And I 'm thinking work on your , work on your hard drive and when you 've got it the way you want it and when you 've got it the way you want it save it to the floppy and
28 So it does n't matter which way you do it whether you get four twelfths , two sixths , or one third , they 're all the same they all comes to the same thing .
29 So it does n't matter which way you do it and which way round you do it
30 That 's it tha I like the way you did it because that 's a good one to do first the H positive and the O H negative are going to give you the water .
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