Example sentences of "[noun] that they [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The report published by the Indonesian Government and the action that they subsequently took — for example , against certain military commanders involved in the incident — show that they are not concerned simply with a cover-up .
2 Our participants had the clear perception that they also have powers within the classroom , conceived as a specific social setting , and they act to establish themselves and their powers .
3 As peregrines have been known to dive at a speed of 180 miles an hour , they hit their prey with such force that they often break its neck , and sometimes even break the head clean off .
4 Small peasant farmers can not compete with capitalist concerns , with the result that they often lose their land to them and end up working for them or migrating to the towns in search of wage labour .
5 Soviet officials are taking the cruise-missile threat very seriously , though , bearing in mind that they also face similar weapons carried by B52 bombers and nuclear submarines .
6 Does my hon. Friend agree that the principal attraction of grant-maintained schools is not the additional funding that they receive but the greater independence from the LEAs that they then enjoy ?
7 The have had er a long grade of time since the complaint was put to the commission , to put a notification in if they wanted to protect their position , but still they could of done so on , on a precautionary basis , and without prejudice basis they have not done so , a longer standing commissioner had invited them to do so ten years ago , they could do so this week on without prejudice basis and that may erm lead to security in the future that they now seek
8 At the time of the 1835 emancipation , as also at the cessation of apprenticeship in 1838 , abolitionists enacted rituals of triumph and unity , though it was significant for the future that they now acknowledged differences and , ironically , different abolitionists performed different rituals indicative of unity .
9 The higher vertebrates , fossil mammals and dinosaurs in particular , have been described in so many books that they sometimes seem to have as much flesh and blood as any animal in the zoo .
10 Of course , if all had been there the second day the justices could well , and should in my judgment , have invited them to consider the intention that they then had to substitute prohibited steps orders for the sought after care order .
11 The ones able to secure ‘ sugar daddies ’ fooled the poor men into thinking that there was a Tiller rule that they only go out in twos and threes and so managed to get meals for their best friends as well .
12 Women are making such progress in the world of French crime that they sometimes seem to be monopolising the police report headlines .
13 Many people have exercised their right to buy homes that they previously tenanted from local authorities .
14 It was a magnificent fightback and such was Welsh distress that they never looked like preventing it .
15 This fear derives more from a recognition that they often lack the additional personal qualities which they see as necessary for certain types of work , which is why most policemen are reluctant to deal with rape victims or to undertake community and neighbourhood policing .
16 The rebels were forced to sue for peace — and they received it , but only on condition that they too took the cross .
17 On the other hand , Hungary , Poland and Czechoslovakia have recently re-formed their agricultural regimes with such rigour that they now have what are effectively free markets in farming .
18 Several other chairmen wanted a concerted public admission that they too had inadvertently breached the regulations ( and it was indeed difficult to avoid technical breaches of the detailed regulations ) , but the choice was made rather to maintain a prudential low profile .
19 These are still only marginally emergent , and are under great pressure from the dominant forms of developed capitalist and state-capitalist modes , which often have the additional advantage that they effectively control the production and the directions of the newest technologies .
20 It characterises the Germans that they never cease to ask the question , ‘ What is German ? ’
21 In Brooke-Rose 's view , the role of the novel as a self-consciously written , fictional , narrative genre is to remind other discourses that they too possess the same attributes of logical paradox , fictionality , and narrativity .
22 One school was so impressed by the children 's positive reactions that they completely revamped the science work in the first two years to include more social and human applications of science .
23 I agree with the hon. Gentleman 's comments about the danger of MacSharry 's proposals , particularly in areas such as Wales , which are so dependent on farmers who are not big farmers in the general sense of the term but who need the support that they now have .
24 The Edgsons now offer a package deal for clients , specialising in the period houses that they particularly like .
25 Some farmers have been so convinced by industry-generated publicity over the absence of a proper income that they just have n't bothered declaring any income .
26 and parents begin to give up on you becoming the little genius that they always hoped you 'd turn out to be !
27 As the colleges sought to establish degree courses other than in teacher education it was naturally towards the humanities that they mainly turned , and attempts to use their existing strengths in those areas , together with opportunities for combined and modularized courses , resulted in often extremely complex proposals .
28 In essence we can say that the sentenced prison population is a function of the number of people received into prison and the average length of sentence that they actually serve ( sometimes known as effective sentence length : Fitzmaurice and Pease , 1992 : 575 ) .
29 When will we have an honest statement from the Government about arms supplies of every kind that they undoubtedly licensed for export to Iraq ?
30 The big Gloucester builder was so badly battered in the World Cup campaign that he had to take six months off work — and he and self-employed forward Paul Rendall lost so much money that they successfully appealed for a hardship payment .
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