Example sentences of "[noun] that he [vb past] like " in BNC.

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1 It was not Billingsley 's physical size that provoked that fear , for I was of a size with him , nor was it his profession that gave me pause , but rather the aura of incipient violence that he radiated like a blast furnace .
2 It was such a shame that he felt like that and could n't recognize the true and deep affection that Terry , Brian and I had for him .
3 McLeish noted enviously that Mr Hutton was a vision of elegance in one of this year 's broadly striped blue and white shirts : he had tried one on himself recently , and had been forced reluctantly to the conclusion that he looked like a bouncer for an East End club .
4 The factor sat behind a roll-top desk ; he was so bent and atrophied by arthritis that he looked like a crustacean clad in a suit .
5 She had mentioned a father who had recently died , but he naturally had no idea that he looked like him or , at any rate , what Tom Tremayne had looked like as a young man .
6 ‘ Crack ? ’ she queried , interested , despite the fact that he sounded like a damned travel guide .
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