Example sentences of "[noun] that he would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd forgotten about the booklet that he put forward on building regulations , the forward that he 'd put forward , so what he was asking to do was already Council policy that he initiated but forgot about .
2 His warning to the American President that he would support Native Americans ( ‘ Red Indians ’ , whom he presumes to be tribally organized ) against the federal government is consistent with his view that natural ties are more than just rational ones .
3 Instead of passing on this information , the defendant persuaded the other employee to leave and join his own business ; the discontented client in the meantime had agreed with the defendant that he would use him as his legal adviser in the future .
4 When Rodrigo saw the letters of his Lord the King , he greatly rejoiced in them , and said to the messengers that he would fulfil the King 's pleasure , and go incontinently to his command .
5 Towards the end of the campaign , Mrs Thatcher 's actions in attacking Heseltine personally and especially her allegation that he would introduce Labour policies gave an unfortunate impression of panic — reminiscent of ‘ Wobbly Thursday ’ during the 1987 general election campaign .
6 One may dismiss too lightly Brezhnev 's insistence to Dubček that he would have invaded Czechoslovakia even at the cost of World War III .
7 The member of parliament saw in this ambition an opportunity to strengthen his own interest in the burgh by detaching the schoolmaster 's brother-in-law , the bailie , from the opposition party in the council , for the bailie was at that moment firmly attached to that faction by a promise from Dempster 's rival that he would procure a kirk for the bailie 's son .
8 Assuring journalists that he would receive regular briefings on the development of the Gulf crisis , Bush emphasised that he did not want " to appear to be held hostage in the White House " .
9 I 'd made up my mind that he would like some of my work .
10 There was no doubt in his mind that he 'd find her .
11 He faced growing opposition , even among those who had been his closest supporters , particularly when he failed to honour an undertaking made in 1979 to his party supporters that he would relinquish office in 1990 after the first 10 years of independence .
12 Philips arranged with the Procurator-General of the Regent 's government in Brussels that he would visit Antwerp at a time when Tyndale 's host Poyntz was away .
13 Never did he hasten his steps or hurry , no matter what the emergency , so that there was the additional fear that he would miss the train .
14 for fear that he would start a separatist movement in the south — there was some point to his suggestions that Bao Dai should be better advertised ; that he should have an American adviser and that American technicians should give the Vietnamese government a ‘ new look ’ .
15 He knew that the embarrassment had nothing to do with the fear that he would question , criticize , move like a spy among them .
16 First were the ‘ political realities ’ that faced him ; second , he said , was his fear that he would have to campaign negatively in order to succeed .
17 ‘ No organisation , no individual , could have threatened his security , but Najibullah , because of the threat of the restoration of peace and the fear that he would have to answer for some of his past deeds , tried to flee , ’ said Mr Wakil .
18 However , his performance vindicated the Wearsider 's pre-fight prediction that he would need at least two or three fights before moving up in class in search of a European or world title .
19 Finally , the unforgettable Stan Reynolds , a player who so loved scoring goals that he would attempt to do so in whichever net was nearest .
20 President George Bush , a long-term member of the NRA , had stated on the eve of the vote that he would veto the bill unless it was attached to an omnibus anti-crime package which constituted one of the administration 's legislative priorities for 1991 .
21 Eamonn Melaugh told the mayor that he would have to take the consequences of any violence caused in trying to clear the chamber .
22 Sir Anthony Browne reported from Surrey that he would have thought it hard to get the money in so quickly had he not experienced the goodwill of the people ; and Sir Thomas Darcy claimed that men were actually saying , ‘ if this be too little his Grace shall have more ’ .
23 Don McCullin was n't allowed to go , which he thinks was because of the kind of images that he would have produced .
24 It was not his intention that he would spend the rest of his life as a Special Agent .
25 Yes , of course , she recalled , he 'd mentioned in Bruges that he would look her up when he was in the area .
26 Epstein then insists that Brahe should ‘ tell ’ him about his work , but that he must use the right words , the words that he would use with his scientific colleagues .
27 How the House will have valued yet another statement from the hon. Member for Dagenham , this one to the effect that he would do something only in extremis .
28 The contracts satisfied s. 2 , but then there was a difficulty getting proof of title from the Land Registry , so , in order to encourage the buyer to exchange contracts , the seller made an extra promise ( a " collateral warranty " ) to the effect that he would guarantee the title .
29 He must have known the looks of bewilderment , horror and disbelief that he would receive from some , and even the militant hostility that might await him when his visit to the Gentile , Cornelius , was discovered .
30 He had believed after all the jogging that he would have the rate denoted as an athlete 's on his chart .
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