Example sentences of "[noun] that he have in " in BNC.

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1 It was then that I conceived the idea of getting a few fans that he had in those days to walk around the television company with placards saying Lets Be Fair To The Long Hairs , which did get press publicity , and in the end , the producer relented and he did his first TV show . ’
2 Well being Milton , and being very thorough , he gives us long lists , of course , of dozens of possible subjects that he had in mind , but he seems to have taken the King Arthur story very seriously .
3 My hon. Friend 's heart is in the right place , but I do not believe that his precise proposal would have the effect that he has in mind .
4 The bony protuberances that he had in lieu of brows arched until they were Gothic ; and he laughed — bellowed laughter and smoke .
5 He puts down something like eight guitar tracks using numerous WEM Copicats and what have you , and it 's only when you hear them all together that you realise he 's assembled this sound that he had in his head .
6 I think he might have tried , thinking that he must fulfill this sexual desire that he had in some way .
7 Moreover , alliances bind both parties ; the kaiser properly reminded Bismarck that he had in the past ‘ always opposed tieing our hands through alliances ’ .
8 V. P. Singh made no immediate comment on Chauthala 's reappointment , prompting speculation that he had in fact struck a " deal " with Devi Lal .
9 For example , it is possible to monitor pollution from incinerator chimneys in hospitals and in that regard I sympathise with the hon. Member for Tooting ( Mr. Cox ) and the problems that he has in his constituency .
10 ‘ 2(1) A person 's appropriation of property belonging to another is not to be regarded as dishonest — ( a ) if he appropriates the property in the belief that he has in law the right to deprive the other of it , on behalf of himself or of a third person ; or ( b ) if he appropriates the property in the belief that he would have the other 's consent if the other knew of the appropriation and the circumstances of it ; or ( c ) ( except where the property came to him as trustee or personal representative ) if he appropriates the property in the belief that the person to whom the property belongs can not be discovered by taking reasonable steps .
11 He needed a minister with the strength of character , reforming zeal and awareness of technological opportunities to push through the changes in Defence policy that he had in mind to help in the consolidation of his political power .
12 Wallis further throws doubt on Gusfield 's claim that he had in fact identified a status group .
13 I assure my hon. Friend that we look forward to receiving any further written representations that he has in addition to the cogent case that he has put before the House today .
14 Erm but this is more or less , indigenous within the engineering industry , there is even inherent within an engineering mind , and I 'm not with the planners or the technical experts , but even in the ordinary lay engineer , he looks to be able to do the job more efficiently , with the materials that he has in hand er and possibly introduce a new type of tool if he can get the proper material , and likewise the employer was doing the same thing .
15 He writes in verse 19 of the assurance that he has in God 's power and responsibility .
16 She would not allow herself to be pulled inexorably towards some unknown destiny that he had in mind .
17 It 's the same late '60s Jag and the same Twin that he had in 1980 when The Birthday Party first broke .
18 This was done on a haphazard basis , so that a Peruvian Indian from the Andes could be issued with papers proving beyond legal doubt that he had in fact spent all his life in Godalming .
19 Another interest that he had in the scheme was that his clerk occupied No. 20 South Parade , which was within the area covered by the 1855 Act , and Brunel 's office and home were at No. 18 Duke Street , adjacent to the site .
20 Ceauşescu 's first contact with British statesmanship was through the interest that he had in obtaining British technology and the up-and-coming Antony Wedgwood-Benn had in selling it .
21 I am following carefully what my hon. Friend says and , like my hon. Friend the Member for Normanton ( Mr. O'Brien ) , I am aware of the deep personal and constituency interest that he has in the matter .
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