Example sentences of "[noun] that [vb -s] [vb pp] over " in BNC.

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1 The close association that has existed over many years between geophysicists and engineering geologists in multidisciplinary projects at BGS will be enhanced by bringing these staff into one group .
2 The third is a less tangible but no less striking phenomenon , the general feeling for freedom that has come over us all , an understanding heightened by the recent escape of millions of people by 1990 from the miseries of authoritarian rule and command economies .
3 Fresh food is the most extreme example of the change that has come over the shops .
4 It indicates the change that has come over the world .
5 Nurse Catherine Cockborn said : ‘ The change that has come over the pair of them is absolutely amazing .
6 Hence was born the catalogue of NME -only releases that has stretched over the last 20 years .
7 It is perhaps because of an effort to buck the trend towards an insufferable and market-conscious cleverness that we are witnessing an attempt amongst more committed narrators to seek out a way of dealing directly with the emotions , without all the paraphernalia of intrigue and description that has accumulated over the past few years .
8 Broadly speaking , the CIA is happy with the government-industry relationship that has developed over export controls .
9 This is the kind of thing that we really ought to be addressing because this actually addresses the safety of people in this county , not only the safety of people , this addresses the safety of property as well and there 's no disagreement about the fact that this enormous development that 's happened over the last few years in an area where you 've got a regular traffic snarl-ups mean that you have got a potential disaster there on your hands and we 're jolly lucky we have n't any more serious incidents than we 've had already and so I can see no reason why these two mo these two amendments should n't both happily be accepted though I 'm very cynical about the number of times we 've spent the airport money already and sooner or later we 've obviously got to actually seriously address that but the important thing is that we do all take it seriously and it seems that we all do now take it seriously .
10 This study examines specific resources — various types of labour , capital and materials — used by the hospital sector to quantify the degree of substitution that has occurred over the period 1951 to 1981 .
11 After all , this hundred young women have all benefited from the open , healthy , society that 's developed over the last few decades , or have they ?
12 They have already made a start on collating and indexing all the paraphernalia that has accumulated over the years .
13 I have enjoyed reading all your letters and look forward to continuing the two-way communication that has developed over the past year .
14 The controversy that has arisen over this issue in recent days emphasises the importance of proceeding with this investigation with all possible speed and effectiveness .
15 How now to understand my passion for Glasgow that has grown over the years of absence from Scotland ?
16 The paralysis that has crept over the planet .
17 Even at the primary stage , it has been shown that children can often grasp that a country house contains material that has accumulated over a long period .
18 At present all the pressure for reform is on the secondary schools , and this because of the new wave of vocationalism that has swept over education since the late l970s .
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