Example sentences of "[noun] that [vb mod] [verb] she " in BNC.

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1 Aye , that , it 'd be the Voltarol that would give her the , the black stuff coming through .
2 As she walked up Tullis Street , Templeton 's came into view , and she headed for the entrance that would take her to the offices where she d been told to report .
3 Hurriedly , with her head down , she made her way to the nearest entrance that would take her back into the factory .
4 She remained there for four years , confined to a cell that would allow her neither to sit nor lie down : it was closed by a large stone that could be moved only by Roger .
5 Those previous kisses had had meaning after all , and now he had only to utter those three little words that would send her up into the clouds .
6 she could n't understand how , she said oh she said and , and a couple of channels that used to drive her up the wall .
7 She ached , she burned , and it was Julius doing this to her ; only Julius who could bring the relief and pleasure that would release her from this intense need .
8 They were strongly reprimanded by Woman 's Own whose editor made the strange assumption that large hips were synonymous with big feet , and she said the well corsetted woman has a good figure that will last her for life , and feet many times smaller than those of the uncontrolled .
9 Satisfied that she was safely hidden from view , Benny began swiftly examining the drums for labels that might give her a clue as to what was in them .
10 I hope he 's one of those blokes that 'll kick her from dog to devil . ’
11 They were not the sort of questions she could ask on so brief an acquaintance , but she was unable at present to think of an excuse that would allow her to get to know Veronica better .
12 There was not a soul in sight as Theda began resolutely to trudge down the street , looking for a lane that might lead her off the main road , which , being only of packed dirt , was already a hasty-pudding of mud which churned under her mercifully booted feet .
13 She set off up the scarp , using juts and ledges as a diagonal staircase to take her on a course that would bring her close to Johannsen when they both reached the top of the incline .
14 Of course the difference is that Rooney 's view — that it is wrong to knowingly give the patient a drug that will harm her — probably has universal support .
15 If she ever believed that of him , she would weaken , give in to the powerful attraction , and then she would have to admit there were emotions behind that attraction , emotions that would lead her into heartbreak .
16 There , she stamped hard on a bolt of panic that would have her turning swiftly about , and made herself press the porcelain doorbell .
17 Then he stroked her lightly , soothingly , as if determined not to make any sudden movements that would startle her .
18 A deadly charm that could humiliate her because it could easily make her melt and beg and forget a lifetime of rigid adherence to propriety .
19 But before I could phrase the right remark , the question that would show her I saw no reason why in Conchis 's absence she should maintain the pretending to believe , she stood up .
20 She had conquered this feeling sufficiently to allow her to accept visits from her friends , and had overcome the apologetic murmurs that used to assail her as she opened her bedroom door ; she felt , in part , absolved by the wonderfully institutional shape of her room , which was on the third floor of a large block in the middle of Regents Park .
21 The fairy Grandmarina appears , and gives Alicia a magic fishbone that will bring her whatever she wishes for ‘ provided she wishes for it at the right time ’ .
22 As her first movie The Delinquents — aided by some pre-release hype over Australian clerics calling for sexy scenes between her and handsome co-star Charlie Shlatter to be cut — opened around the world at the end of 1989 , Kylie was planning a move that could set her on that same yellow brick road to showbusiness immortality .
23 Her part in Share My Lettuce had done as much for her own theatrical career as the show had done for Ken , and she was embarking on a series of films that would make her an international reputation .
24 She should have left Rome as she 'd planned , she should never have looked into her heart and discovered a truth that could destroy her .
25 As she headed through the basement corridors that would lead her to the stairs and the stage door and thence to the waiting Joe Lucas , Josie 's thoughts barely touched on the subject of dying at all .
26 She wanted to make some lightweight remark that would let her out gracefully , but nothing came .
27 Robyn entered the tiny shop and bought at random , grabbing anything that was familiar — an odd assortment of things that would sustain her with the least amount of effort , paying her money to the assistant vaguely , absent-mindedly .
28 A magic fairy that would whisk her away from all this , she thought , who could turn the clock back and give her a second chance — a more dignified entrance perhaps , a way of showing this arrogant rat just what she thought of him .
29 She waited a few seconds for any sounds that might tell her that her mother was in there but out of her range of sight .
30 And was it for this awfulness that she had taken the great jump that would divide her from the rest of her life , that she could never go back to , for this she had put herself beyond the pale and ruined her life ?
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