Example sentences of "[noun] that [vb past] [pers pn] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Great houses did not of course cease to be built ; on the contrary , almost as many were erected in the nineteenth century as a whole as in the three centuries that preceded it put together .
2 Nothing moved , but the world tilted , and she looked down into eyes that registered he had felt it too .
3 Ruth was used to feeling afraid in his presence ; but now the fear that touched her seemed more on his account than on her own .
4 That is getting away from the old system whereby the County Council held a vast store of advisers in Macclesfield House , stacked up , and schools that needed them requested them and off they went , but schools in fact that wanted perhaps a different sort of advice , was n't able to get it from Macclesfield House , and could n't buy it outside because it did n't have the money to do so .
5 The invisibility that threatened her drove her to perform to attract attention , so she had done well at school , been picked for the hockey and the swimming teams .
6 The thread that bound them had snapped with one expert tug .
7 He fixed her with a look that demanded she raised her eyes to his .
8 And all the birds that saw it stopped singing upon the instant .
9 Every vehicle that passed she scanned , every passer-by she scrutinised .
10 And I 'll tell you something more : it would have been hidden up , as many another 's been , an' she would have been dumped somewhere , or found in the canal , but one of the lasses that found her had a screaming fit and ran out into the street , went barmy , they said , yelling , ‘ She 's hung herself !
11 The companies that received them had achieved tough , testing and challenging targets of commitment to training .
12 They were narrowly beaten by a four-nation , eight-man team of elite males in Italy in a spectacle that proved you did n't have to be one of the team to enjoy the fun .
13 ‘ The price of a common press was only about one-tenth of the cost of the 1,000 kg of type that kept it occupied in a busy shop … so that the master could afford to own more presses than he would normally need . ’
14 ‘ Perhaps I should sell the place and be done with it , ’ he said with an abruptness that showed he 'd been considering the idea for some time .
15 In the brief civil war that followed he took Worcester for the rebels in January 1322 , but was captured by the king 's forces at Tutbury , Derbyshire , on 11 March .
16 But in the weeks that followed they became very close and clung to one another in their loss .
17 In the weeks that followed he built up a regular round of customers and boasted that it was better than going to work , especially on cold winter mornings .
18 Over the weeks that followed I noticed more of them .
19 Then , with a deep sniff that indicated he had considered things long enough , he began .
20 Work for an era that needed it spelt out ; perhaps Lijn 's recorded voice expresses from the head while a red laser beam cuts sharply through smoke that generates from the base of a black lacquered body .
21 Harriet made a grunting sound that meant she 'd given in under protest and Jess did n't wait for any other sign .
22 For a moment he thought she was going to hit him , and then her face turned crimson , her mouth started to bang to and fro like a door in a gale force wind and a sound came down her nose that suggested she had just swallowed a quart of White ’ s Cream Soda .
23 This put heart into me , because in all the years that followed I came increasingly to believe that the genuine radicals were neither the ‘ philosophical radicals ’ ( much as I admired J. S. Mill , and have even found good in Bentham ) nor the Fabian radicals , the socialists or social democrats , but the kind of conservative radicals of whom Cobbett was perhaps the earliest example .
24 In the years that followed I made many flights with those ‘ intrepid bush pilots ’ and watched the development of aviation in Canada .
25 Why was he looking at her like that , with that little smile that suggested he knew something she did not ?
26 With a small smile that proved he knew very well what she had been thinking , he went out , and she tried to relax her tense muscles .
27 With each day that passed she became more deeply involved and more enthusiastic about what she was doing .
28 With every day that passed he became ever more despairing and hopeless as messengers brought him reports of the army 's casualties .
29 procedure that said they did it .
30 Any other things that made it made it difficult for you to read ?
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