Example sentences of "[noun] that [adv] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 LANACANE has a special anaesthetic action that rapidly soothes the irritation and cools the burning of delicate tissues .
2 There the political system has several characteristics that particularly facilitate the mobilization of small groups of people to influence decisions .
3 integrifolia and the heather Cassiope tetragona ; these grow at most only a few centimetres high , forming thin stands that barely cover the ground .
4 The second point is on correspondence , I 'm absolutely certain that when a member of public writes in to any department , not necessarily highway , he expects and needs an immediate response , now I know you have , you have started the acknowledgement of our system , but I think it 's , it does n't go far enough , an acknowledgement card that simply says the thing is received and is receiving attention , needs to then indicate the individual to whom that matter has been passed for attention and that leads me to the third point and I think the general complaint on the public is that local government is seen as faceless people and I think we have to get in our mind to name people within our department , there 's not one mention about it in our promise , I think we need , unless I 've not read it , but I think , I think we , yes , but I think we need to mention people by name , senior people within the department who will respond to particular things and certainly where public comes into contact within the offices we must get around to wearing a name badge who says who that person is , people want to relate to a person and I think we can do that if we try .
5 It has shields on its body and flanges on its legs that exactly match the hue and surface texture of the orchid petals .
6 The Merovingian dynasty began as a vigorous force that firmly developed the Franks into a national entity , and made many conquests that extended Frankish territory .
7 Other projects seek to involve health professionals , from both private and government institutions , in humanitarian work and in organizations that seriously examine the nature and roots of the health crisis .
8 But while the audience can relax in relative comfort in the mini auditorium which seats 200 , staff and performers have always had to work in rather cramped conditions in tiny dressing-rooms and offices that still have the old wall-paper on the bedroom walls .
9 Furthermore , a similar effect can be produced by applying a substance to the eyes that artificially dilates the pupils ( Legg 1988 ) .
10 In his right hand he carried a long machete , but it was the crazed look in his eyes that really shook the young policeman .
11 It is another remarkable landmark in an extraordinary career , taking place in a movie that really warrants the achievement .
12 Lakatos offers Marxism and Freudian psychology as programmes that satisfy the first criterion but do not satisfy the second , and modern sociology as a programme that perhaps satisfies the second but does not satisfy the first .
13 Along the great escarpments that form the spine of modern-day Lebanon , above the rivers that vein their way across the country , the crusader castles that once formed the outposts of Christendom are still part of a front line , albeit with the roles of their defenders historically reversed .
14 The mill now houses a tank and pump for the water supply to the mill house , fed from the spring that also supplies the nearby Trinity Well .
15 In this first phase of DIP development vendors offered solutions that merely handled the archival and retrieval of images .
16 It suggests that of the subjects that usually comprise the humanities , philosophy need not necessarily be identified with the humanities at all , literature and the other arts are defined by their concern with art-objects and history arguably belongs to a broader conception of ‘ human sciences ’ .
17 The black tunnel mouths , the stale warm air , the distant wail of a saxophone : these had become sensations that scarcely penetrated the borders of his awareness .
18 According to Forestry Commission pathologist , Brian Greig : " Different sites involve different factors in the mix that eventually spells the end for the trees .
19 So the whole weight of the whole er the gear that actually sent the crusher going and made it so the jaws the swing jaw swing and all that , was er hanging on the cap you see .
20 However , there are several different kinds of centre-periphery relationships that significantly influence the implementation process .
21 With British pop music once again in the ascendant , Richard Branson set off to America to sell Virgin artists , with an optimism that almost banished the memory of his company 's disastrous American adventure of two years before .
22 Recorded not long after a live cycle at the 1974 Aix-en-Provence Festival celebrating the 50th anniversary of the composer 's death , these are wide-ranging , run-in performances that completely escape the contrivance and routine that can so often creep into such extensive complete surveys .
23 When continued parsing from a given long word fails , not only could all short words that immediately follow the long word be retrieved from the buffer , but also all short words that are subsumed within the span of the long word .
24 Choose underwear that clearly distinguishes the various holes .
25 They came to a clearing and Nicky slumped on to the trunk of a felled tree , shaded by the overhanging branches that almost covered the space it had made .
26 It is the detailed , etched pictures that really tell the tale ; the text serves to reinforce the story but suggests rather than dictates the plot , with different monkeys taking over as narrator .
27 Instead , keep your background uncluttered , for it 's the simple pictures that often work the best .
28 The folly was a gift from the Sultan of Oman , just one of the many presents that now adorn the property .
29 As in the United States , so in Britain it was an outbreak of violence that dramatically brought the plight of the inner cities to public notice .
30 Furthermore , this " military " implication of is consistent with other words in the poem presenting suggestions of a strife and a violence that relentlessly overbear the gentle conviviality of ordinary joys : with , for example , and .
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