Example sentences of "[noun] that [art] government had " in BNC.

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1 Among more radical monetarists and free marketeers there remains disappointment that the government had not done more to shift the middle ground .
2 Most welcomed the general conclusion that " in the longer term , environmental pressures will operate against coal as a primary source of energy " , although many expressed disappointment that the government had not undertaken a more far-reaching assessment of the country 's energy needs and their environmental impact .
3 One scholar writes that whereas before 1861 " a Russian serf had been a legal nullity " , afterwards he received " entirely new legal entitlements and obligations extending into every basic transaction of everyday life " , with the result that the government had to redesign the empire 's judicial system in order to integrate the peasantry into the community at large .
4 Home Office Minister of State Michael Jack said later in a Commons written reply that the Government had no immediate plans to increase the penalties for the possession of porno-graphic material .
5 It was one more indication that the government had its own vested interest in allowing Ulster to stew indefinitely in its crime and racketeer misery .
6 To leave it to a free vote of the House might be taken as an indication that the Government had not made up its mind and would be an invitation to the House of Lords to delete from the Bill the clause abolishing the death penalty .
7 The RSPCA launched their new campaign on the day that both they and Compassion in World Farming were unsuccessful in their High Court submission that the government had acted unlawfully .
8 In reality it was simply a recognition that the government had abandoned any serious attempt to keep monetary growth within targets .
9 Michael Heseltine let his deputy Tim Eggar put the case that the government had tried to encourage the market for domestic coal .
10 Kinnock dismissed the proposed Charter on July 23 as " an election gimmick " designed to boost the Conservatives ' electoral ratings rather than tackle the relevant issues , and said that it was an implicit admission that the government had allowed the quality of public services to decline during its years in office .
11 Finance Minister Cocker admitted to parliament that the government had made T$29,600,000 from the sale of passports up to Jan. 31 , 1991 .
12 On April 28 the Finance and National Economy Minister , Muhammad Ali Abdul Khail , confirmed in Washington that the government had contributed US$1,000 million towards United Kingdom war costs .
13 As this deadline expired , Mandela told a mass rally in Johannesburg city hall that the government had failed to meet its obligations , and promised " mass action " to secure the release of remaining political detainees .
14 There were reports in late December that the government had allowed limited supplies of fuel to enter Kurdistan after Kurdish leaders imposed a Dec. 23 deadline to end the two-month long economic blockade [ see pp. 38548 ; 38598 ] .
15 Having advised restraint by the Labour Party , I was angered , and indeed horrified , by the announcement that the government had asked Lord Denning to conduct his now infamous one-man inquiry into the matter , with terms of reference so loose that he regarded himself as charged to examine everyone 's activities through a microscope and to denounce anyone where there was a whisper of suspected immorality , let alone convincing proof .
16 The Northern Ireland Secretary , Sir Patrick Mayhew , has told the Commons that the Government had a duty to respond to IRA overtures on how the conflict in Northern Ireland could be ended .
17 The Labour Party 's executive committee stressed after a Feb. 22 meeting that the government had to make a clear decision on the formula within two to three weeks , otherwise it would be forced to end the coalition .
18 The controversy over undisclosed Iraqi nuclear capabilities coincided with revelations that the government had also failed to divulge the full extent of its chemical weapons stocks .
19 On the face of it , the shooting looked like another bloody event in Irish history , but perhaps it was its timing — on the same day that the government had sat for the first time — that intrigued him , or perhaps it was Joe 's words : that his father and the men like him had died for Ireland were being betrayed .
20 concerned the other day that the government had second thoughts on some of the proposals there and I hope that they will reconsider .
21 Birmingham-based BSA Tools boss Keith Bailey , 57 , claimed outside court that the Government had given a clear message it wanted to trade with Saddam 's regime .
22 SHADOW Chancellor Gordon Brown taunted Norman Lamont that the Government had been forced kicking and screaming into stealing Labour 's economic clothes .
23 The Home Secretary stressed last night that the Government had not yet decided whether to bring forward legislation , but he said he did not believe the Hetherington report could just be interred .
24 But she did not reply directly to Labour 's allegations that the Government had provided aid to others who were supporting the Pol Pot forces .
25 Mr Clark insisted he was completely innocent in the affair , which has provoked a political storm , engulfing even the Prime Minister in allegations that the Government had encouraged firms to breach the arms embargo .
26 As this severely restricted the scope of what the agencies had been directed to search for , Shaughnessy felt confirmed in his suspicions that the government had something to hide and sought to obtain depositions from the officials who had signed the declarations .
27 However , the ANC expressed grave concern that the government had not given a timetable beyond step two of their plan .
28 The only consultation that the Government had was with civil servants .
29 This predicted with remarkable accuracy that the Government had decided to scrap SERPS and that the task would be transferred to private schemes and companies .
30 In April 1989 , with a Congress ( I ) government at the centre , President 's rule had been imposed in Karnataka prompting bitter complaints from the Janata Dal that the government had adopted a " blatantly partisan attitude " [ see p. 36591 ] .
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