Example sentences of "[noun] that [pron] [vb past] i " in BNC.

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1 One of Crossman 's cardinal convictions was that Britain was run not as a democracy but as an oligarchy — and that view of his was perhaps partially reflected in my own youthful outburst against the essentially incestuous relationship between politicians and journalists that I thought I had discovered even within the people 's party .
2 ‘ I wanted him to chase me , not literally , though I would have been madly impressed if he 'd charged up Piccadilly on a white stallion , but I just wanted some firmer confirmation that he loved me .
3 I shot a scene on the top of the Old Bailey that everybody thought I could never do .
4 The swimsuit that you bought me .
5 ‘ I 've got so many pictures that I thought I 'd have a clear out ’ , she explains , surrounded by the sale items which represent months of hard work .
6 ‘ I 've got so many pictures that I thought I 'd have a clear out ’ , she explains , surrounded by the sale items which represent months of hard work .
7 The working party on Equal Opportunities that I said I would convene ?
8 As I was applying to art school I needed a reference so I told Vivienne that I thought I 'd ask Malcolm , since he was my employer .
9 Just not going away , even the tablets that you gave me , they was n't even taking it away , it , away like .
10 And I thought er and er I had wee tablets that you gave me a while ago , Brusdeximit
11 It was only when I looked up to my right and saw the board that I realized I had come to the right place .
12 All through tea I had waited for some indication on his part that he knew I had seen the girl — as he must have known , for it was obvious that the nocturnal concert had been given to announce her presence .
13 I started off the way I write every album — wrote a couple of songs , got a feel for the music and called up the musicians that I thought I could do the songs with .
14 Then I became the black sheep and I found to my horror that everyone thought I was off my bloody head .
15 I am very grateful for the opportunity that you gave me to speak to the NFU Branch Committee on Thursday last .
16 Then there was the women 's clothes shop at Number 133 with its dresses in the window that I felt I would never be able to afford .
17 And that was the film with the scene of the boy coming into the bar that I said I thought of when I saw Boy coming in sometimes .
18 It was n't until I underwent hypnosis that I realised I was still a Catholic .
19 Those erm erm fuchsias that we bought I reckon they 've doubled in size .
20 ‘ Sexual liberation ’ , the appearance of pornography seemed , again , to have a freedom and an ease that I thought I did n't have .
21 ‘ Oddly enough the selectors only told me shortly before the match that they wanted me to play left centre so that ‘ Obbo ’ could get some of the ball , ’ Cranmer reminisced .
22 You see , we 'd got such confidence that she told me that when he died , she said , ‘ He died in his bed here ’ , that we were in , you see ; and she said , ‘ I then closed his eyes and I laid down with him till the morning so that nobody should be disturbed . ’
23 It was at this moment that I decided I must learn to dance , so that I could stay on at the pensione instead of roaming about .
24 You , who wanted me to enter you on the same night , with the same sound still in my head , a sound that I knew I had somehow , somewhere , heard before .
25 It was about a fortnight after I arrived in Punta Arenas that he showed me his journal and I was able to take a translation of those entries .
26 I think that day that they gave me a lift home .
27 ‘ Did you care when you walked out on me the day that you told me about the notes and the wine glass , and then Rebecca came back to the office ?
28 My mother had said to Lili one day that she thought I was marrying Syl because he was so much older than me and would take the place of my father .
29 Asked how personal development had been affected , responses reveal improvements in self-confidence , social skills and aspirations : ‘ it has given me extra confidence to speak at meetings , e.g. community council , community association meetings ’ ; ‘ it has brought out skills I never new I had ’ ; ‘ I have learned to work closer with people since I joined , which is a new experience for me , and become more tolerant of people 's attitudes and ways ’ ; ‘ I am more aware of my own attitude towards my group ’ ; ‘ it has given me more confidence in my own ability to learn new skills ’ ; ‘ made me do things that I thought I was not capable of doing ’ .
30 It has made me question every aspect of my teaching , including things that I thought I was doing well !
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