Example sentences of "[noun] that [pron] [vb past] me " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I wanted him to chase me , not literally , though I would have been madly impressed if he 'd charged up Piccadilly on a white stallion , but I just wanted some firmer confirmation that he loved me .
2 The swimsuit that you bought me .
3 Just not going away , even the tablets that you gave me , they was n't even taking it away , it , away like .
4 And I thought er and er I had wee tablets that you gave me a while ago , Brusdeximit
5 I am very grateful for the opportunity that you gave me to speak to the NFU Branch Committee on Thursday last .
6 ‘ Oddly enough the selectors only told me shortly before the match that they wanted me to play left centre so that ‘ Obbo ’ could get some of the ball , ’ Cranmer reminisced .
7 You see , we 'd got such confidence that she told me that when he died , she said , ‘ He died in his bed here ’ , that we were in , you see ; and she said , ‘ I then closed his eyes and I laid down with him till the morning so that nobody should be disturbed . ’
8 It was about a fortnight after I arrived in Punta Arenas that he showed me his journal and I was able to take a translation of those entries .
9 I think that day that they gave me a lift home .
10 ‘ Did you care when you walked out on me the day that you told me about the notes and the wine glass , and then Rebecca came back to the office ?
11 Nearby the sea terns and eider ducks were nesting , the ducks beautifully camouflaged , sitting tight as long as they could , then moving quickly to reveal eggs of a gorgeous sage green looking so warm in their nest of breast feathers that it made me long for the comforts of my sleeping bag .
12 He brought out a list of thirteen Arab properties that he wanted me to buy and then resell to the Jews .
13 That 's how I felt all the time ; this constant feeling that no-one wanted me to be there , no-one gave a f— about me .
14 I still had a formless feeling that she understood me where my mother did not .
15 ‘ I have three or four : two black Strats , a Les Paul Junior with a neck-through-body — really heavy guitar , sustains really well — a Flying V that they built me with one pickup — neck-through-body also — and a regular Flying V. ’
16 Earthy type , she used to say , but it was all talk with him and he never gave her any trouble that she told me about . ’
17 ‘ But I thank God that He spared me for this ! ’
18 Erm can we can you as part of the discussion , can you start off by saying well thank you very much for the call that you gave me last week but erm erm there 's there 's just a couple of sizes I 'd like to talk talk to you about .
19 He spoke in a voice that he told me was his Courtroom voice .
20 and er I managed to get er do forty odd years and erm now I 'm quite happy on the pension that they gave me .
21 The word book in The book that he gave me is the antecedent of that .
22 That functions also as a relative pronoun : It was pointed out that the situation was improving ( conjunction ) ; The book that you gave me is very interesting ( relative pronoun ) .
23 Not the answer that you gave me before . ’
24 Last week , the hon. Gentleman was trying to be a lawyer and attempting to make me read out on the floor of the House a document that he wanted me to table .
25 I had few friends , just one or two left over from school , but on the infrequent occasions when we met I could see from their faces that they pitied me , finding me foolish and Syl a bore .
26 He had now grown accustomed to me , and , as he was too ill for any kind of polite act , had left me in no doubt that he liked me .
27 ‘ I 've never had the smallest doubt that you hated me . ’
28 They 're the ones that you bought me last week .
29 I also played with the idea that what afflicted me was some kind of strabismus of the psyche .
30 I just remember the all-pervading feeling of reassurance that they gave me throughout .
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