Example sentences of "[noun] that [pron] had [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Tim was quite taken with that big card that he had for his birthday
2 It was then that I conceived the idea of getting a few fans that he had in those days to walk around the television company with placards saying Lets Be Fair To The Long Hairs , which did get press publicity , and in the end , the producer relented and he did his first TV show . ’
3 Can I have my ring back and then Christopher can go and look for the ring that he had on his head , he had a wooden one on his head , do you remember ?
4 I 'd pretty much made up my mind that they had to be forced into action , but it was such a difficult decision .
5 ‘ I had this thing in my mind that she had to be in a place where I could get to her and she would be well looked after . ’
6 What Labour needs above all is the network of working-class activists , sympathisers and supporters that it had in workplaces and on housing estates even as recently as 20 years ago .
7 And thus it was that she came to be , on that February evening , poised at the very crown of the hill in Kensington Gardens , looking down the hill , with her back to Bayswater and home and trembling with the fear that she had at last grown up .
8 Lord Roskill in Morris said that the requirement in Eddy v Niman that there had to be an " overt act " was too narrow and that the act " need not necessarily be overt " .
9 Well being Milton , and being very thorough , he gives us long lists , of course , of dozens of possible subjects that he had in mind , but he seems to have taken the King Arthur story very seriously .
10 Cos , on , on the tape that we had at that party we were
11 rock and roll You know that tape that you had with all the rock and roll 's greatest hits .
12 I lived in Switzerland for fifteen years and I knew many many people who after having had their children would have breasts implants and , they just felt that they 'd got back the figure that they had before the children and particularly one of my friends she had twins and her stomach was so stretched and after her pregnancy she 'd got all this sort of sagging skin and what she regretted was that she waited fifteen years before she decided to go and have something done and she just felt so much better about it .
13 ‘ Yes , she does look better , ’ replied Melissa , thinking that the return of Rodney 's jacket must have convinced Eleanor that he had at last been eliminated from police enquiries .
14 approximately twenty-five per cent of the children evacuated were in such a filthy condition that they had to be specially treated .
15 There were 6 dead animals and two sheep were in such bad condition that they had to be put down .
16 But there was no way she would allow herself to be carried away by that hypnotic pull that he had over her .
17 And er they would put up any case that they had from their branch .
18 You were n't of afraid of me but the accent that I had at that time .
19 And we and then we had been working for him for about ten or eleven years on this contract that he had for us .
20 It pandered to their inflated notion of their own importance ; and the restiveness of the working class during this early phase of Russian industrialization gave them renewed hope that they had at last found a willing instrument for their revolutionary dreams .
21 Again , yes , but not the sort of clubs that she had in mind .
22 It was achieved , erm , through reorganisation , it was achieved through careful planning of expenditure , but there was also an element of of luck in that erm , the staff vacancy level that we had pending the reorganisation , was was higher than we had had planned for .
23 Indeed in the Rubin and Kozin ( 1984 ) study subjects were asked to describe ‘ flashbulb memories ’ without the constraint that they had to be related to newsworthy events .
24 Just as a matter of interest I was gon na bring up onto the er planning minutes for the tenth of January but as I was n't allowed er The I had a phone call from the electricity board following the erm erm discussions that we had about the power supply on Road , they 'd received a follow up enquiry from the press , if you recall we expressed concern that we thought that secured following the harsh winter three years ago .
25 Blanche was happy as she walked out , confident at the end of the afternoon that she had at last found an explanation for Tatyana Nowak 's suicide , and the first direct link between a particular human being and the murder .
26 ‘ The same chaos that we had with the poll tax is now emerging . ’
27 Capsules that she had for years .
28 And like my parents sort of went , the thought that they gave them money that we had for it , yeah
29 And he talks of the , and plainly in that erm sort of mystical experience that he had with the Whiteheads , he did in , as it were , come to realize for the first time that there was in himself this desire to lead a life erm inspired by love and guided by knowledge , and to see others leading it .
30 Much to the prince 's disgust the captain of the Du Teillay refused to join in the action for fear of endangering his passenger 's life , but the Elisabeth suffered 57 killed and 176 wounded and such serious damage that she had to be sent back to Brest , taking with her her precious cargo of arms and French volunteers .
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