Example sentences of "[noun] that [pron] find it " in BNC.

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1 His reply was so matter-of-fact , so lacking in emotion that she found it hard to believe .
2 You are angry , vulnerable , gentle , fierce , with such bewildering speed that I find it fascinating .
3 ‘ You 've won , Leo , ’ she managed quietly , ‘ and I hope with all my heart that you find it a pyrrhic victory . ’
4 These categories of luck threaten the very notion of moral responsibility in that if the precondition of control is consistently applied we would be disbarred from making the wide range of moral judgments that we find it entirely natural to make .
5 She is so slowed down by the dope slamming fifty visions of hell at her a second that she finds it hard to fight , hard to believe in her own anger , hard to believe in what she 's doing .
6 Some doctors are so overwhelmed by their own emotions that they find it hard to handle the mother 's .
7 His look as he glanced across at her resembled so much that of a shamefaced small boy that she found it hard to control a smile .
8 I was so carried away by the wisdom of my hon. Friend 's question that I found it necessary to repeat it .
9 ‘ Some lead such active lives that we found it difficult to arrange a time for interview , while others are so isolated and lonely that our interviewers felt guilty about terminating the interview and leaving them to themselves . ’
10 If there was anything she could n't cope with herself she would ask Mossy Rooney , a man of such silence and discretion that he found it hard to reveal his own name in case it might incriminate someone .
11 The hall into which she stepped was not a hall at all , but a large and very high room , with doors leading off it in most directions , and it was so full of unexpected things that she found it hard to know where to look first .
12 The hon. Member for Garscadden said last week that he finds it incomprehensible that many properties may stay in the same band in perpetuity .
13 Although hard to buy beyond specialist shops , kaffir lime leaf offers such a depth of flavour that I find it hard not to reach for it whenever I cook .
14 In actual fact my walking stick and gloves are ( I am almost too ashamed to admit ) an elaborate affectation which has by degrees grown into such a habit that I find it difficult , if not impossible , to lay them aside .
15 However , some did make the comment that they found it difficult to get details on the new systems .
16 After the two had left , Thomas confided to Thornton that he found it quite extraordinary that these two people , who were so naive and inexperienced , could be at the top of what was supposed to be a concrete business proposal .
17 The first time that we find it is in 36 : They are a We unit , but at once they are split up into two incompatible halves : ‘ In our two loves there is but one respect/Though in our lives a separable spite ’ — that is , some malicious act of fortune keeps them separate .
18 Quite apart from the fact that they find it very interesting , I think that people outside the university would be pleased to know that a course of such down to earth practical is taught in a place which they sometimes regard as being rather airy fairy .
19 The fact that he found it less easy to talk about such things to a young girl did not mean he was less impassioned than she was .
20 Alcuin thought he might be employed in making peace , but the fact that he found it necessary to protest that he had never been disloyal to Offa suggests that his allegiances were being called into question .
21 ( The fact that I found it offensive to have to make any such argument for human equality shows that I was working with an ethical a priori approach , but I believe that a case can be made . )
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