Example sentences of "[noun] that [pron] would like " in BNC.

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1 So much to that I made it clear to my club that I would like to be selected as a tighthead ’ .
2 His father Allan told the High Court : ‘ Whatever differences we have had as a family we are all of a mind that we would like what is best for Tony .
3 I always had this thing in the back of my mind that I 'd like to be Head Gardener at Killerton one day , because of the type of garden it is , because of its size and because of the plant content .
4 I 'd made up my mind that he would like some of my work .
5 In your mind that you 'd like to do .
6 ‘ Ah , but I need to know for sure , you see , because I have some doubts , and before you ask me why I should be so concerned I will assure you that this time it is partly for my own self-esteem that I would like to know . ’
7 Two er other channels that I 'd like to consider which have rather different functions are both er chloride channels .
8 The last class of erm second messenger activated channels that I 'd like to deal with is are those calcium channels which are found in the in endomembranes , especially in the endoplasmic reticulum which are gated open by a compound known as inositol one four five trisphosphate .
9 Having decided that point , you should next make a list of the kitchen furniture and utensils that you would like , if not now , then later when you can better afford them so that you can plan your kitchen around specific objects .
10 That automatically internally within or within which is the company for medical practices , creates a financial figure that we would like to see achieved .
11 If you have practical skills that you would like to offer in this context please speak to Ronnie Martin or myself and let us all continue to pray that we will have released among us a glorious team spirit in this area of involvement .
12 what I 'm concerned about is put things down like that , er like that it encourages erm an appreciation of language skills that are bitty , partial , they can be pulled apart and it 's not the model of language teaching that I would like to promote .
13 Erika , who had never set eyes on Hetta in her life , stoutly agreed , and even Paul , making a dishevelled appearance , said with his new courtliness that he would like to meet her , causing Frau Nordern to raise a sceptical eyebrow and warn him not to be sarcastic at that time of the morning .
14 Name two designer products that you would like to own , and say why .
15 Further to my recent memo on this subject , I have heard from the Brecknockshire Branch that they would like to take up my proposal that we hold an inter-branch meeting to discuss the draft Powys Structure Plan .
16 Oh yes , yes , I 'm m , as as I say , I I I can understand all this , but I I I am not sure how you can persuade people who do n't somehow , share your opinion with values ethical values , human values , er , to live within that society , and to obey the rules that you would like to set , when they really do n't observe those rules .
17 something I am reading or thinking about at present that I would like to remember .
18 No , but if the hon. Gentleman has views that he would like to express to me on that closure , I should be delighted to hear from him .
19 But to bring out questions , things that you felt in your groups that you would like to perhaps ask the others about , or came back and ask me , any particular points that you to read on or were n't clear when you were talking in a group , or things that you felt the others might you know , to talk about .
20 Erm it runs through the strategy that we 're pursuing , i it er highlights the problems that er erm th that exist in the district , it stresses the need for flexibility and it concludes with an appendix which sets out the actual sites that we would like to see developed erm er over the next er ten years which is the length of the erm covered by the Richmondshire local plan .
21 Two or three specific problem areas can be identified with the parents that they would like to work on first .
22 Bear in mind what strengths you 've got what strengths you 'd like to have and if you know that you know what to improve and how to improve how to develop those other areas that you 'd like .
23 Within the next , er month or so a national consultation is being held within the URC to consider the advice of producing a programme of training for eldership which will be used throughout the call of the church and if there are any suggestions or any proposal that anyone would like to make I shall be very glad to receive them within the next month .
24 The most observant reporter of saying things by means of deeds was the late Erving Goffmann , and it is to his work that I would like to dedicate the rest of this lecture .
25 No , have I heck , I have n't got enough money for a , really good clothes and shoes that I 'd like
26 This report highlights the main issues which will affect this committee in the period during nineteen ninety three and nineteen ninety six , section one repeats the desire of the committee that it would like as a minimum to sustain the whole of the revenue service and the similar volume of capital payments in the period of the medium term plan as is being divided in this year .
27 In the course of two years ' research he 's discovered a great deal but admits there are gaps that he would like to fill . ‘
28 It 's due to this team spirit and thoughtfulness that I would like to thank everyone .
29 I complied immediately , reminding the controller that we 'd like the Porto and Viseu weathers ‘ when convenient for you ’ .
30 Brenda is describing a certain man who is the type that she would like to marry .
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