Example sentences of "[noun] that [verb] him [conj] " in BNC.

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1 They must be independent , not mention in the will you ca n't have a beneficiary who 's a witness , you ca n't have a husband or wife of a beneficiary as a witness either because not I 'm told very first clause there are n't , to get a duplicate made bungalow or something like that he might be missing out on the bungalow and the was The course leader at the time told me the story that saw him and he would n't tell me who it was I want my ten percent commission .
2 It was a case that bothered him because he felt that in the Assize Court the unfortunate man 's chances had been wrecked by that fool of a cocky young barrister who had concocted an elaborate defence that gave a totally false impression of what had happened .
3 In the next few days she had kept speaking of their child as ‘ my son ’ , with a possessiveness that struck him as bestial and prescient .
4 He was not a superstitious man , but even he must have been encouraged by the good omens that visited him while on board the Potentate .
5 Algiers was his city , the place that formed him and sustained him .
6 He would leave them soon — as soon as he found a place that pleased him and set up home , or found work at his own mystery of painting , dyeing and carpentry .
7 Rhodri Jones , brother of Swansea 's Robert , replaces Chris Bridges at scrum-half in a move that surprised him but it is in the centres where Neath have been stretched .
8 Or to worry about the thin but penetrating drizzle that greeted him when he finally emerged from the subway .
9 I , what I do n't , if Andrew obviously feels he 's got a strong process that suits him and I do n't want to knock that on the head .
10 Bias may creep in through the wording of questions ( which may be ambiguous , unintelligible or suggestive of a particular answer ) , through the careless recording of answers , through the interviewer 's ( perhaps unwitting ) influence over response-patterns and through a general failure of the interviewer to establish the kind of rapport with the respondent that enables him or her to give truthful answers on personal matters .
11 Vincent 's work was found wanting — when it was noticed at all — by a sniffing , word-of-mouth criticism that condemned him as too literary .
12 It was only Operation Eagle that saved him and his men from the penal unit they were serving in . ’
13 It was the Kent countryside that inspired him and which he wanted to be a part of .
14 In the former areas the chief executive is sustained in his perennial struggle for mastery with congress by his claim to represent the nation as a whole and by the provisions of the Constitution that designate him as Commander in Chief and give him special responsibilities in international relations .
15 Maud talked with a mixture of pedantry and horse sense that impressed him as singular and forcible .
16 I might argue that a particular capitalist economist is so embedded in the political and economic structure of the society that employs him that he fails to represent adequately the challenge levelled by ‘ political economy ’ to the perspective he purveys , and thus fails to take into account multiple points of view .
17 And then the dark , the blessed dark , and the cold night air that iced him and ripped the mist from his brain , steadied his legs , poured pain into his shoulder .
18 A man is the history of his breaths and thoughts , acts , atoms and wounds , love , indifference and dislike ; also of his race and nation , the soil that fed him and his forebears , the stones and sands of his familiar places , long-silenced battles and struggles of conscience , of the smiles of girls and the slow utterance of old women , of accidents and the gradual action of inexorable law , of all this and something else too , a single flame which in every way obeys the laws that pertain to Fire itself , and yet is lit and put out from one moment to the next , and can never be relumed in the whole waste of time to come .
19 Labour must , once again , be the party that stands up for the individual against the vested interests that hold him or her back …
20 and he convinced them he did n't need an operation , he was , he was cured , he 'd had his treatment , psy psychiatrist that seen him and he was all right thank you , he said , and they 're so clever they can convince anybody on the outside
21 So it was n't the sexual aspect of Helena 's affair that interested him but its romantic side .
22 Perhaps it was n't a deliberate attack at all , just a further slip that struck him and swept him across the path .
23 Trent shook himself free of the hands that held him and turned his back on the man .
24 He had the habit of hoarding newspaper cuttings that interested him and occasionally created a picture from one .
25 It 's not the severity that worries him but his inability to universalize the verdict and therefore take it to himself as he can take ‘ Vous l'avez voulu , Georges Dandin , ’ the thing of Molière 's Dostoevsky liked to quote .
26 He remembered the admiring glances of the other boys , and the expression of ineffable contempt on the face of the young Hilary Frome , an expression that told him that even an eleven-year-old could see through him , could tell he was no good .
27 It was only my threat that stopped him because if his hand had touched me I would have walked out of this house that very minute and I would n't have had to go far .
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