Example sentences of "[noun] that [verb] [vb pp] he " in BNC.

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1 That weeping was his weeping ; the grief that had overwhelmed him for so long .
2 Was it some insensitivity in his nature that had failed to respond to the nuances of the relationship , some obtuseness of perception that had prevented him from seeing , as it still prevented him from understanding ?
3 Writing to his mother and father , he said he wanted to explain that it was n't extravagance that had led him to buy not one coat but two , and two pairs of trousers .
4 He is now on his eighth passport , having left England 82 times on trips that have taken him to most countries in the world .
5 It was Woil 's voice , desperate to see the same fear that had stopped him finding freedom now overtaking Creggan .
6 He had taken the name of Varna from the name of the port from which he had sailed but he had lived his life in terror of deportation , a fear that had haunted him long after it had ceased to be a real threat , so that he had never been able to enjoy his son 's success , seeing it only as something which drew unwelcome attention to the Varna family .
7 Rumours of a social evening at the Hall with the entire village being invited had n't exactly dispelled all worry , since it was his summer parties that had made him so unpopular around the area in the first place .
8 ‘ Mind you , ’ Sutcliffe added , ‘ I do n't think it 's just lack of funds that has kept him at home lately .
9 Still , it was only a hare that had hurt him .
10 The police car that had followed him to the Windorah was still parked across the road .
11 She looked at it and then shrugged and turned away , and the brief light that had illuminated him spluttered and died .
12 Familiarity with the voices that had haunted him down through the years had encouraged a bravado that was little like his real self .
13 It was cold comfort to realize after the event that the drama had been played out by three sick men , whose judgments contributed to this deeply wounding incident in Anglo-American relations : Eisenhower was suffering from ileitis ; Dulles had cancer ; and Eden had a recurrence of the abdominal obstruction that had laid him low once before in 1953 , and was to do so again after he resigned .
14 She also told him that it was prayer that had brought him to her .
15 During the six years that followed his restoration , Louis put together again the coalition of ecclesiastical and secular support that had sustained him in the 820s .
16 In 1964 , he moved to Trinidad to become Dean of Students , which was a promotion , at the UWI campus there , continuing the work he had begun in Kingston by stressing to the students the importance of discipline , physical fitness , responsibility and such like — in other words , all the values that had made him such a successful captain .
17 But now he 's back on the track chasing the appearance money that has earned him a detached house in the Surrey stockbroker belt of Lightwater .
18 He condemns the monk : at the same time as he acknowledges the monk 's ingenuity that has provided him with his sexual reward : This monk does not suffer the retributive poetic justice that is so frequently met with by lecherous clerics in the French fabliaux .
19 As a young man , it had been his recognition of the need for contemporary diction and contemporary imagery in poetry that had drawn him to sources as disparate as Baudelaire and John Davidson .
20 He had served twenty-four years in the US House of Representatives , including nine as Minority Leader of the Republicans , and it was Ford 's popularity on both sides of the aisle that had brought him to the presidency .
21 Deane , anxious to end a wretched run that has brought him only one goal in 15 Premier League matches , failed to score in the reserves ' 1-0 win at Leicester .
22 Quite plainly , having so recently finished the work that had absorbed him for almost two years , he was not yet back in the habit of eating lunch at a regular hour .
23 It was something about the old man 's attitude that had made him cry .
24 Again his mind was clouded by the heresy that had struck him after the first night in Taunton .
25 He drained it at a draught and threw it back , the dark mood that had kept him silent from Ivrigar falling away .
26 It would have made her task easier if he 'd still been in the bitter , brutal mood that had possessed him after William Ash had delivered his ultimatum , but she did n't understand him at present .
27 He felt a touch of the animated earnestness that had carried him through so many meetings .
28 He stood , resenting the fate that had forced him to declaim , while they shook their spears and cheered him .
29 And the question that had troubled him in Nairobi swelled , until he stopped the car , wound down the window and with a curious naivete called : ‘ Please tell me : why are the children here hungry ? ’
30 ‘ There is another point , Dr. Briant , ’ Kegan said hastily , regretting the self-indulgence that had allowed him the dig at Briant .
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