Example sentences of "[noun] that [verb] [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 The concentration calmed her , soothed the worries that had surfaced on the drive from Belfast to the border .
2 In Africa , there are frogs that manage to breed on the branches of trees .
3 This finding corresponds with research that has concentrated on early retirement ( McGoldrick and Cooper 1980 ; Parker 1980 ; and in France , Cribier 1981 ; Gaullier 1982 ) and withdrawal from the labour market through the job release scheme ( Makeham and Morgan 1980 : 14 ) , but we do not know how many of those older workers with poor health would have been fit enough to continue working if the plant had not closed .
4 The wind surged around the little car , streaking past across the expanse of long brown grass still flattened from the snow that had lain on it over the winter .
5 What 've you been doing in the last five months that 's put on the weight ?
6 But the term that has caught on most widely to describe such zealots is ‘ hacker ’ and what they do , constantly , is known as ‘ hacking ’ .
7 Talking to Gavin Selerie in 1983 McGrath detailed some of the influences that came to work on him at that time .
8 The influences that had pressed on her adolescent consciousness began to come together that summer in the French capital with her arts school boyfriend , Bernie from Bermondsey .
9 The Former West German Chancellor , Mr Willy Brandt , has said that any party in East Germany that decides to run on a reunification plank is virtually assured of a runaway victory at the general elections set for next May .
10 The text that follows expands on the details of each of the ten steps .
11 And if you also look the most the the the clearest change that 's happened on the outside of this building , if you look at that window , if you if you follow the edge of the window the original window came all the way down to this point , and then across and up , and this has been all blocked up .
12 Begging your pardon , Sir , but some of those alleged artists that get feted on BBC Two could paint no better than a monkey in the zoo .
13 It 's a Sunday-school hymn , hardly the kind that gets requested on Songs of Praise , I should have thought . ’
14 I do n't agree with the amount of money that 's spent on the royal family .
15 erm and the amount of money that 's spent on twinning is in fact extremely small .
16 So democracy is a dangerous exercise when it means we empower the majority against minority groups that have rested on the support of the regime .
17 And wreckage has been found of two American helicopters that went missing on a routine mission from the U S S Okinowa .
18 Another major capacity that CFS have on site at Hal Safi is the overhaul of propellers .
19 The senators smile faded and he leaned over the rail to let the ash that had formed on his cigar fall into the muddy river .
20 The continental ice sheet that lies three kilometres thick at Dome C in East Antarctica ( Figure 3 ) creeps slowly coastward in all directions , carrying meteorites that have fallen on its vast , 13-million-square-kilometre surface and been frozen-in for thousands , or possibly millions , of years .
21 Late ‘ 76 saw Linda in this country with an excellent show and playing with the same guitarists that had appeared on the album .
22 ‘ You never know , Sid , ’ I replied as I swatted a mosquito that had landed on my wrist , and watched the blood splatter from it .
23 At the same time remove any excess debris that has accumulated on the pond bottom .
24 At that lunch in the Oxford and Cambridge he was in the sombre mood that had descended on him with the signing of the Munich Agreement .
25 Those companies that do rely on large numbers of assembly-line workers are beginning to have difficulty finding them .
26 Phoebe could remember no details , could recall only with an effort that was profitless , the numbing passivity that had fallen on her .
27 With the once cool moist forest falling , the maidenhair ferns that had arched on fine black stems in the shade blistered , the bromeliads ' swordpoints discoloured by direct light and the monkeys and the birds of many colours in retreat , she wanted punishment , hers and others ' .
28 Organisations that want to standardise on Windows NT will be able to continue to take advantage of the features and economy of X terminals .
29 Organisations that want to standardise on Windows NT will be able to continue to take advantage of the features and economy of X terminals .
30 Each of the proposals is carefully designed to meet a clear deficiency in our present arrangements , that has been acknowledged by many of the organisations that have commented on the Green Paper .
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