Example sentences of "[noun] that [verb] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 First , when there has been confrontation , it has been religion that has yielded in the end .
2 At the same time , a nasty backward glance , a creeping suspicion suggested a consultation with Anderson might have been a wise idea before taking the practical action that had ended in such discouraging disaster …
3 Quite the opposite to the calm peacefulness that had existed in Heymouth prior to the flood .
4 But later on , when the hairs that began sprouting in the heat of the bandage become fully grown and replace the old hairs , a startling white patch will appear .
5 The second aspect is the relative stability in the proportion of transport workers over the two decades , despite , as we know from Figure 3.1 , the job losses that have occurred in the transport service industries since the 1960s .
6 Many of these pioneer voluntary bodies still exist , and they have been joined by large numbers of organizations that have arisen in recent years to tackle the needs of particular groups among the disabled , so that voluntary effort continues to play a major part in meeting the needs of the handicapped .
7 Dark Peak Aircraft Wrecks 2 ( Pen and Sword Books Ltd , 192pp , illus , sbk , £9.95 ) by Ron Collier tells the stories of 26 out of the 50 aircraft that have crashed in the Dark Peak area of the peak District National Park over the past 60 years .
8 This rationalist approach is overtly expressed in Fowler 's statement that ‘ The proper excellence of architecture is that which results from its suitableness to the occasion … and this principle rightly pursued leads to originality without the affection of novelty ; but … the present enlightened epoch in architecture is woefully distinguished as having no character of its own nor any pretensions beyond that of adopting the various styles that have prevailed in all ages and nations without regard to the difference of circumstances upon which they were founded ’ ; while the critic J. C. Loudon [ q.v. ] described him as ‘ one of the few modern architects who belong to the School of Reason and who design buildings on fundamental principles instead of antiquated rules and precedents ’ .
9 Die-hard conservatism represented a continuation of the fears and anxieties that had surfaced in those most respectable publications , The Times and the Morning Post , with their debates over the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the Cause of World Unrest , at the end of the war .
10 In translating the original constant price figure for the department that had appeared in the public expenditure White Paper into the new cash limit figure , the Treasury estimated the likely price and wage increases for the year ahead .
11 To this day they have unresolved arguments about the repatriation of prisoners-of-war , about the ownership of the Iraqi fighters that flew to shelter in Iran after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait , and about the hostile groups each country harbours on its territory .
12 As Speaker O'Neill forcibly pointed out to the newly elected President Carter , tactics that had worked in the relatively sedate politics of Georgia were unlikely to be effective in Washington .
13 Yet , judging by the earnest discussions going on around her , the melancholy theme seemed to have had the effect of switching everyone 's thoughts away from the actual tragedy that had happened in their midst .
14 As she crossed the street towards the far corner by the church entrance , the young woman was careful to step over the littering of prawn shells and orange peel , fish tails and broken heads of artichoke that had accumulated in the numerous depressions afforded by the badly laid cobbles .
15 Secretaries of State consider that the diversity of practice that has emerged in recent years , as shown particularly by HM Inspectors ' surveys of Primary and Secondary Schools , makes it timely to prepare guidance on the place of certain key elements in the curriculum .
16 To the south lay the workers ' quarters ; long , low huts that seemed embedded in the earth .
17 The immediate post-war period again provided the optimism that had existed in 1920 , and the farm worker appeared to be poised for the first time to achieve equality of pay and status with workers in other industries .
18 Words that went blowing in the wind
19 I suddenly thought that on the advert that 's gone in
20 Before we have had the opportunity to vote on that policy , the autumn statement has informed us that the Government will not promote training or fill the training gap that has developed in recent years .
21 She could make all the speeches she would like Tommaso to make , a hundred times over , and yet his awkwardness under her mother 's severity filled her full of pity too , and her chivalrous love returned to warm her and fortify her , suturing the cut that had opened in her earlier at his muteness the night before .
22 Although the disaster may seem a boon to an industry that has shared in the recession which struck the construction industry , not all firms have welcomed the flood of work .
23 He asked about several crimes of violence that had happened in south-east Antrim and Beattie told him that he knew nothing about any of them .
24 He walked another half-mile until he reached an archway that had chiselled in the stone above it : KINGS COLLEGE .
25 with winter Olympics that have to run in the four man bobsleigh
26 She was wearing a halter dress the colour of flame that had wilted in the first hour .
27 A band like that survived because of the existence of indie labels that kept going in the Eighties even though many of their major acts like The Smiths , and now The Fall and Blue Aeroplanes , deserted them for the majors .
28 Do you ever have to copy type into the computer text and other data that has arrived in a fax ?
29 Erm with without a new settlement erm that that was indeed the the impression that erm I was left with as well , and what what we 've sought to do in in the evidence that we 've we 've put before you is to take the nine seven , nine thousand seven hundred figure in Greater York , and and er s based on the data supplied by the County Council to demonstrate that that actually when one looks at outstanding commitments erm with planning permission , identified the sites er without planning permission , those those that are allocated in local plans , making suitable allowances for small sites erm windfall sites and conversion , erm the the residual figure that is left in Greater York , which I calculate to be eight thousand six hundred and thirty seven , once one has taken away completions , which I think is an agreed figure between nineteen ninety one and nineteen ninety three of one thousand and sixty three , that erm , those existing commitments , and the sites likely to come forward , ma virtually match the figure for the outstanding housing requirement , so so one is left with a view that erm from from the data that 's put in front of us that there is n't a residue of that size to accommodate , although I accept that there may well be a residue of some sort , erm and it seems to me that the established Greater York erm framework , er is is the process by which that is distributed around the counties along the lines that the discussion 's proceeded this morning .
30 The Secretary of State has said several times today how proud he is of British Rail 's safety record — a pride which we all share — but that is surely no reason not to look again at the real doubts that have arisen in the past year about manning , the number of hours worked and the quality of some of the new systems of signalling that are being installed .
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