Example sentences of "[noun] that [noun] have [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The recognition that children have their own ideas about phenomena , and that they may be very different from their teacher 's ideas , has important implications for teaching and learning .
2 Well , certainly we believe that there can be all sorts of erm techniques that can be very useful , like communications skills and assertiveness , but our understanding is also that it is not only about the skills that people have it 's also about the understanding behind those skills .
3 The doctor told Mum that Sarah had everything in her favour .
4 She clung to Joe when he came home , and he spent most of his leave with her , though he went with Anne one day to see Sarah and her family , and told Sarah that Terry had her photograph pinned up above his bed .
5 Either way , said Colin , the areas that LASMO has its eye on all have the potential to bring further success and prosperity to the company .
6 On the Via Mercanti side of the palazzo is a relief sculpture of the ‘ half wool sow ’ , the mythical half-pig , half-sheep that legend had it was the real derivation of the name Mediolanum — from medio lanae .
7 The rise of public concern about the environment has done most to hasten a realisation among Conservatives that Thatcherism has its limitations .
8 Charles Frank looked into this and showed that the pion decay interpretation was correct , but it was in answering that question that Frank had his brainwave and stimulated a whole new field of research .
9 Or if I were feeling lyrical that day , I might write , ‘ It is a curious truth that grasshoppers have their hearing-organs in the sides of the abdomen .
10 Parallel investigations into cellular pathology worked with the notion that disease had its origins at the level of the cell .
11 On 30 September , the day that Tito had its last performance in Prague , the new opera opened at the Theater auf der Wieden .
12 For more evidence that addictions have something in common in the way they act on the brain as a whole , no matter which pathways they stimulate , look at the pictures on this page .
13 It will , I know , be a tough decision for you to make , Les , because it is common knowledge that Terry has you in his back pocket , but he is the weak link in the team this year .
14 The news itself was usually good : the dispatch or receipt of telegrams of congratulation or support ; the arrival of a foreign head of state or minister showing Qaddafi acting as head of state , reminding viewers that Libya has its place in the world and is respected .
15 She studied me suspiciously and this strengthened my belief that Ralemberg had his own secrets .
16 Such a role entails the belief that Labour has something of value to say to everyone : the party 's future natural constituency is the whole community without class or political boundaries .
17 But I also had the sense that Otto had something to do with Jean-Claude 's need for greater privacy .
18 It was here in Caesarea that Peter had his memorable lesson not to call any man ‘ unclean ’ — which , as a Jew , he would instinctively have done to all Gentiles .
19 I 've always fixed my hair the way that people had it before they came to me to have it styled and fixed .
20 Male birds do most of the singing , which gives an immediate clue that singing has something to do with sex .
21 It was only in London they had to keep up the pretence that Buckmaster had nothing to do with his company .
22 ‘ I suppose there 's absolutely no possibility that launches have anything to do with lunches ? ’ said Masklin wistfully .
23 Wyles did , however , drop hints that LanOptics has its own proprietary 100Mbps Ethernet system up its sleeve , which may be launched around the end of the year .
24 Check from time to time that residents have something to occupy themselves on hand .
25 But a prison spokesman said : ‘ We are very mindful of the fact that prisoners have their dignity .
26 The fact that TM has its direct roots in the Vedic Scriptures — the basis of Hinduism — is also brushed aside as irrelevant .
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