Example sentences of "[noun] that [noun] [is] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is well to share this perception that learning is at the heart of development because , even after nearly three decades of activities in the NHS , development is still associated by many managers with ‘ going on courses ’ .
2 HOTELIERS have slammed as discriminating and illegal the confirmation that VAT is to be levied on packed lunches .
3 It 's common talk that Alfred is round the twist and that he 's got worse recently , since his mother died .
4 We are spurred on by advertising images that fun is for the young and fit .
5 But , with rumours already rife at Roker that Crosby is on borrowed time just months after signing a one-year contract , his chairman refused to clear the air .
6 In the light of Government protestations that safety is of the highest order , the idea that that service should be privatised is brought into focus .
7 In Bonn it is hoped that there can be orderly change across the border , soon enough to convince more East Germans that life is worth living there .
8 It is clear to see at most training clubs that praise is in very short supply with novice and even more experienced handlers .
9 In his discussion of the problem in ‘ Mourning and Melancholia ’ Freud offers the initial hypothesis that mania is to be understood as a state in which the ego appears to have got over its loss of the object with the consequence that the instinctual drives previously fixated on it are now liberated — giving rise to the boundless energy and enthusiasm of the manic condition .
10 Sadly for Britain they have already made the decision that Britain is to be a loser country , ’ he said dramatically .
11 It is very obvious from our experience that attitude is at least as crucial as cost , and arguments around cost sometimes act as a smoke-screen for negative attitudes .
12 One of the modernist arguments for removing the intrusive authorial voice — wise , omniscient , reliable , reassuring — from the novel was that it was false to our experience that life is in fact fragmented , chaotic , incomprehensible , absurd .
13 It is , I think , in the analysis of this so-called remedial work that Goffmann is at his most imaginative and productive .
14 You have to suppose of B that B is of an age to have children .
15 If we regard our guide as simply looking for advice as to what moral rules are correct , unrelated to a particular decision which he is called upon to make or to a particular situation in which he is involved then it will be impartiality of the first and last types which are particularly relevant : that is , the formal requirement that legislation is to be universalised , and the material requirement that the decisions made are based on a consideration of all relevant factors .
16 Ten leagues that Britain is at the bottom of
17 Be that as it may , there seems no question that change is on its way .
18 ‘ I 'd look a right idiot if we organize things on the basis that Vargas is on our side and I get there and he is n't .
19 One physical reminder that change is in the air was the disappearance in April this year of the Army Catering Corps name , after more than 50 years .
20 The distinction that matters is from that of ‘ patronage ’ , which itself , as we shall see , is highly varied .
21 It will be a long haul , but we want to make out of date the notion that the only punishment that works is behind bars .
22 Now I am virtually claiming in this quotation that drama is about the ‘ personalising ’ of objects .
23 The best strategy to counteract resistance is to ensure rational , self interest , where attempts are made to convince individuals that change is to their personal advantage .
24 Microsoft Corp chairman Bill Gates said he expects to ship the follow-on to Windows 3.1 , codenamed Chicago , in 1994 but declined to say at what point in the year the upgraded system will be launched : ‘ We should debunk any notion that Chicago is around the corner , ’ Gates told an audience of developers sponsored by Microsoft — ‘ All we can say is we expect it will be in 1994 and we 'll keep people in touch on that . ’
25 Microsoft Corp chairman Bill Gates said he expects to ship the follow-on to Windows 3.1 , codenamed Chicago , in 1994 but declined to say at what point in the year the upgraded system will be launched : ‘ We should debunk any notion that Chicago is around the corner , ’ Gates told an audience of developers sponsored by Microsoft — ‘ All we can say is we expect it will be in 1994 and we 'll keep people in touch on that . ’
26 ‘ But my dear old boy , what can have put the idea into your head that Europe is against us ?
27 This has tended to reinforce dominant assumptions that employment is of lesser importance to young women because they will only get married and have children later and consequently that young women were of lesser importance to the sociologist .
28 SHARES surged to a record high last night amid growing evidence that Britain is at last poised for economic recovery .
29 The evidence that theophylline is of benefit in such cases is inconclusive .
30 As evidence that money is to be made in Russia 's ‘ Wild East ’ , last month Hewlett-Packard Co and Swedish software firm CMA AB sealed a $3m contract with ASUNEFT in Nizhniy Vartosk , North West Siberia to supply a Unix system to automate oil field data acquisition in the region .
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