Example sentences of "[noun] he could [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 The pilot stated that as the aircraft rose above the treeline , at about 150 feet above the ground it involuntarily banked to the right , and despite maintaining the climb speed he could not prevent the roll to the right — which continued past ninety degrees of bank .
2 ‘ Under the veil of darkness cities take on a universal quality ’ , thought American artist DOUG DAWSON , until he brought his pastels to London and discovered that it held certain characteristics he could n't ignore .
3 ‘ Under the veil of darkness cities take on a universal quality ’ , thought American artist DOUG DAWSON , until he brought his pastels to London and discovered that it held certain characteristics he could n't ignore .
4 With access to a typewriter he could even knock off another column about the lighter side of his literary tour , not mentioning any of the events at Perth .
5 He heard two men arguing , but with water lapping in his ears he could n't make out the words .
6 You bet him sixpence he could not eat a maggot and he promptly swallowed a live one and grabbed your tanner .
7 She turned to the bookcase : ‘ Those were his books , but after he had his stroke he could n't read for any length of time without tiring his eyes and I used to read to him .
8 He hurried out into the garden but to his disappointment he could n't see a pear tree anywhere let alone one with a partridge in it .
9 Ellen would doubtless tell me that the senator was trying to turn an electoral liability into an advantage , meaning that if he could parade his cured children in front of the electorate he could then pose as both a noble parent and as an expert on drugs , but I preferred to ignore that imagined cynicism , choosing a different reservation .
10 The Exhibitors Film Exchange recommends a ‘ Neighbourhood Advertising Plan ’ , the essence of which was that every manager would define ‘ the radius or zone ’ from which his ‘ logical business ’ was secured and that he should then proceed to go directly to the individuals whose patronage he could reasonably expect .
11 When Mr. Gosling picked the apples for me last month he left a few on the top branches he could n't reach , and they 're rather a temptation to boys , I expect .
12 There were no answers , just agonising riddles he could not solve .
13 If she fell at a fence he could not avoid trampling her .
14 On the team coach to away games when he was with Crystal Palace he could n't sit still for five minutes .
15 In practice he could not officiate everywhere in person and would be represented by a priest .
16 It was what Nigel wanted in theory , but in practice he could n't bear the whole thing ending acrimoniously , especially with her getting the last word .
17 Despite his fear he could n't help wanting to look over the edge of the basket but when he did was sure he saw , besides the surging of the sea , long black shadows just below the surface of the water .
18 His creditors met on the 28th and they read a letter from their debtor telling them the law was an enemy he could not conquer .
19 Over half of the Dwarf force had been slain and although Skarsnik had lost many good warriors they were losses he could easily afford .
20 Pride , Harry reminded himself , was a luxury he could not afford .
21 He wanted to improve their lot , as John Conolly was doing , but with Maud always wanting every luxury he could n't afford to leave this lucrative private madhouse .
22 Now , it was a luxury he could n't afford .
23 And the great full summer world , instead of being a throbbing and a weight and a grinding torture , stretched its arms towards him , a lush open welcoming meadow he could never have enough of and was all there , all his , waiting .
24 ‘ No , he was already married , you see , a marriage he could never escape from , no matter how much he might have wanted to .
25 ‘ His face was smashed up … it was a wonder he could even stand .
26 No wonder he could n't understand anyone who worked for a living .
27 This was held to be reasonable during employment but was construed as being too wide post employment as it would prevent the defendant becoming a medical officer of health in which capacity he could not prejudice the plaintiff 's goodwill .
28 No. 3 was directly opposite the palace , only a minute away , but he was stopped twice by tourists whose thick German accents he could n't begin to understand , and then by having to settle a violent argument between two drivers who had managed to crash while manoeuvring their cars out of their parking spaces .
29 It rained upon them at Elgin and Johnson again ran into culinary difficulty with a lunch he could not eat at the Red Lion inn .
30 He fixed his stare on a shelduck whose white and brown plumage he could easily see .
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