Example sentences of "[noun] he [modal v] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 I said " the words he ought to be able to spell " .
2 If and when we choose violence he ought to be the focus of our efforts .
3 the organ there was a you know where you put your pump belt , there was a long stout piece of wood and you had to keep pumping that up and down to put the wind into the organ , and there was a mirror above the organ and Mr the org the organist , who was a butcher in Street , he could look into that mirror and see whether you was pumping fast enough and he could signal to you and he used to warn you to er keep your eye on the mirror and if he , if he wanted more wind he used to be up up up oh or , but it was just a big long of wood and we used to pull it up and down , I was fairly tall for me height a age , but er we used to have to stand on a box to get it going first , but it , it was just like bellows for your fire you know , wind for that , and we used to pump the wind into the organ also the service .
4 St Colum seems to have attracted legends around himself wherever he went , for as Columba he used to be well known to every Scottish schoolboy for converting the King of the Picts , banishing water horses and other praiseworthy acts .
5 In his pre-sponsorship days he used to be known as ‘ the surfer who lived in a car ’ ; in France he had a tent on the beach .
6 Once TOPIC and SEAQ screens had been introduced into a firm , the dealer could check what approximate price he ought to be getting , to be varied by what the firm took off or added to quote its price " net " of commission .
7 Dose assessment : The account of dose calculation contained in Urquhart 's article does not allow the method he used to be completely understood , and it has proved to be impossible to obtain the ‘ fuller version ’ of the article , either from the Journal of Nuclear Information .
8 She saw the spell-binder he used to be and the strength of personality that bound people to him .
9 Like if he was hitting something and he accidentally hit his ha his thumb or his finger he used to be in agony for I mean it used to hurt him for the rest of the day .
10 No it sounds like one you wo n't have heard of on that , the big old LP 's that me and Nicola , Nicola for a birthday , that erm , school love he used to be er , oh I du n no what was his name ?
11 It was probably something to do with the view that had convinced George he ought to be drinking a very large glass of dry sherry from the wood .
12 Bloody film star he ought to be , not a and he you see him on the television , he 's been on a few times at night !
13 The elder has been in Normandy for four years now , Stephen can hardly count him as the staunch supporter he used to be . ’
14 He 's not the player he used to be but I suppose you could say the same about me . ’
15 Then one could say ‘ You 've forgotten what it must feel like ’ ; this time he ought to be aware of the pain .
16 In fact he used to be seen lunching austerely in his favourite vegetarian restaurant on the corner of Leicester Square , where the permitted maximum of five shillings for the price of a meal could only be spent by earnest application .
17 But he will no longer be the rude , racist chap he used to be .
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