Example sentences of "[noun] he [verb] me [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ At the end of the interview he accused me of trying to stir up trouble , refused to shake my hand and stormed off .
2 In support of this submission he referred me to Heaven v. Pender ( 1883 ) 11 Q.B.D. 503 and Le Lievre v. Gould [ 1893 ] 1 Q.B .
3 I 'm not the fool he took me for ! ’
4 On his return he puzzled me by behaving exactly as I expected an S.S.O. to behave .
5 But the place he took me to after lunch , the Colegio Ponce de Leon , where I was supposed to have rooms , was a rather stark student hostel , and my little room was very small , with just a narrow bed , a table and a chair .
6 On my first day in the job he took me into the director 's Portakabin , put his arm around me and , showing me the empty trophy case , said ‘ Your job , Les , is to fill that cabinet before I die . ’
7 The very first film I made with Roy he took me to one side and he said ’ you 've been working a lot in the theatre and you 're playing to the back row of the the dress circle which is right for the theatre . ’
8 At our last meeting he presented me with a pair of small Tibetan scrolls .
9 For instance , when we did Jesus He Knows Me on the newest album , he said ‘ Live , I think we 'll want a guitar solo at the end of this , and it has to be a kind of fast , frantic type of guitar solo . ’
10 ‘ D ’ , my husband , did n't accept me loving another girl when I told him I was a lesbian , but after a while he accepted me as Carla — 100 per cent .
11 It was not until about a year later , when I became the High Master of Warboys , that I took him into Warboys and made him a sort of Staff pilot flying Oxford aircraft on special navigational training exercises ; this was something that I could physically check and I do not know why it is , and I am not being clever now , I just accepted the evidence he gave me of this phoney flying .
12 By chance he landed me for a swim at Moutsa down there .
13 Mr. Tarrant , the minister of the Unitarian church which the Thomas family now attended regularly , had encouraged Edward in his outdoor tastes with much kindness and persuaded the editor of a children 's paper to print his early holiday-task descriptions of country walks : But like all other grown-up people he inspired me with discomfort , strangeness , a desire to escape …
14 When I saw Dr Wardle he booked me into the Princess Grace Hospital the following Wednesday .
15 His body was hairy , muscled , well-shaped , and when I saw him strip for bed he reminded me of a gorilla about to pounce upon its prey .
16 My Japanese friends wonder at my passion , because he is not very well known and not very successful , though when he visited Paris with his fellow sumotori he was at once called ‘ the Japanese Alain Delon ’ — to my mind , an insult to my hero , but for a while that kind of adulation seemed to give him a little of the confidence he needed , and on his return to Japan he delighted me by winning an unusually high number of contests .
17 When I 'm fighting my sister he kicks me on the wotsit . ’
18 And then of course he tells me about punk rock and he was there and he was the meaning of punk rock .
19 Ben he spotted me on these occasions he invariably called out some mocking remark and if he happened to be with some of his cronies they all joined in the laughter at my expense .
20 Ultima , I wrote on the last letter he sent me before his departure .
21 At the end he asked me about myself , curtly , as if it was all rather a bore .
22 ‘ I left him because I could n't handle the shadow his expectations threw over me … the way he cast me as a member of his dream .
23 When we were in port he let me off work and allowed me to go ashore for as long as I wanted : " After all , you 're here to see these places .
24 George Roman read me and after I 'd done the first reading he asked me about my own attitudes to the Part and then told me his as a director , which were completely different .
25 The day that battered sundial he offered me for £1,650 finds its way into my garden is the day I wo n't need to work for a living .
26 Whereas in Reine Jean-Claude reminded me of a caged animal , in préfleur he reminded me of something growing in its natural habitat .
27 ‘ When I was ten , my Dad bought me a guitar for Christmas , which I 'd asked for , but at the same time he enrolled me at the local golf club !
28 In fact , now that I come to think of it , I have a feeling it may have been Lord Darlington himself who made that particular remark to me that time he called me into his study some two months after that exchange with Miss Kenton outside the billiard room .
29 Choosing his words with particular deliberation he said : ‘ In terms of dedication and discipline he reminds me in every way of Wayne McCullough .
30 Choosing his words with particular deliberation he said : ‘ In terms of dedication and discipline he reminds me in every way of Wayne McCullough .
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