Example sentences of "[noun] for good [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The information was collected after the attempt and it is not clear whether patients would have acted as they claimed they would but , taken at face value , the findings support the case for better health education and warning about the effects of drugs .
2 But Mr Kaisary , in common with most other UK urologists and urology nurses , believes there is also a strong case for better health education and public information for men about prostate disease , for example , awareness of its inherited link .
3 The form and organisation of health services in a particular country partly reflects that struggle , hence " socialised medicine " as in the British health service reflects the organised strength of the working class and their struggle for better health care .
4 This issue sees the introduction of six new CompuAdd PCs — ranging from one of the world 's most compact 286 notebook PCs , to a 486 which has just won Personal Computer World 's award for Best Power User System .
5 Millions of BBC viewers watched Prime Suspect , starring Helen Mirren , take the award for best drama serial at last month 's British ‘ Oscars ’ ceremony .
6 Millions of BBC viewers watched Prime Suspect , starring Helen Mirren , take the award for best drama serial at last month 's British ‘ Oscars ’ ceremony .
7 The findings are from the Daily Telegraph Parent Friendly awards in support of the Tommy 's Campaign to raise funds for better health care for babies .
8 Roy , who is fit and well after recovering from lung cancer , presented Yvonne with a trophy for best Employee Report of 1992 and Helen with a certificate of merit for design of the JS Journal 1992 .
9 Absorption , so important to Peter Slade , is not a criterion for good quality endeavour .
10 It must be said that in Britain the new public library authorities created in 1972 have in many cases failed to capitalize on the opportunities for better stock provision which the larger units were supposedly able to achieve .
11 Better still , if you can , please arrange to give regularly to UNICEF 's work so we can carry our campaign for better child health care into the future .
12 This produces 58 bhp , giving it quite lively performance and a top speed of 96mph in return for good diesel economy of 64.2 mpg at a constant 56 mph on the official Government figures .
13 Misleading cultural perceptions of death — a need for better death education by Ken Saunders
14 There is therefore a need for better family support services .
15 ‘ WOOD Group realised through years of business relations in the Gulf area [ mostly related to gas turbine support of the oil , gas and petrochemical industries ] that there was a need for good quality support of general oil field equipment including hi-tech rotating equipment such as gas turbines , pumps and compressors .
16 There is a need for good quality equipment , and by varying the colour , shape and size of things provided , the opportunity may be extended for one-to-one correspondence , sorting and ordering .
17 If this were so , it suggests the need for good quality pre-entry information and advice so that adults are aware of the academic demands of the courses and of progression routes to their preferred courses .
18 Remove the flowerheads for better leaf production unless seed is wanted .
19 The increasing demand for good quality language training within the workplace has been met by the Board with their business focused language awards .
20 A compromise settlement of fifty-four hours was reached , but the union returned to the fifty-one hour claim , this time combined with a demand for better overtime pay and piece-work rates , in September 1872 ( just before the year 's busiest season began ) .
21 Kaszubian farmers felt that they could never raise enough money to compete with both the Poles and the Prussian Colonisation Commission for good quality land , and thus stood no real chance of ever turning their smallholdings into profitable concerns .
22 The prize for Best Car Park Love Song went to Patsy Hubcap , known as ‘ the nightingale of pay-and-display ’ , for her poignant number , Are You Just Leaving ?
23 Easy to grow excellent species for good ground cover .
24 Canal walks are another choice for good quality lowland walks .
25 You can ease the problem though — ensure that the fly and inner are not touching anywhere , then try repositioning the fly so that there is space for good air flow between the bottom of the fly and the ground .
26 Whether it is providing a tip for better spreadsheet design , finding a useful ‘ add-in ’ to save hours on a routine problem , or changing over to Windows , we can help .
27 In it they state their belief in motivation through the design of work and set out a model for good job design which is reproduced in Figure 3.1 .
28 The five-point agreement provides for : i ) standards for good forest management ; ii ) independent monitoring to verify that these standards are met ; iii ) a tracing mechanism to check that timber does indeed originate from the source specified by the agents ; iv ) certification by an independent organization ; and v ) labelling for the consumer .
29 A new international organisation , the Forest Stewardship Council ( FSC ) , has been set up by environmental groups with the aim of setting worldwide standards for good forest management .
30 This period was chosen as we considered that it was th minimum required to obtain a good baseline for treatment frequency and laser energy requirements for good tumour control .
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