Example sentences of "[noun] for the [adj] five " in BNC.

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1 So we always this has always been the case for the four five hundred years that people have been doing etching , so they go by a rule of thumb .
2 Andrew 's wife , Abi , a former production manager , has been a freelance photographer for the last five years .
3 The City Centre road races , held in Newcastle and Gateshead for the past five years , have been switched to Aberdeen on May 16 following the end of General Portfolio 's sponsorship .
4 ‘ I have been a car park season ticket holder for the last five years , during which the cost has risen from about 20 pence to £150 per day . ’
5 It is estimated that a modest increase from the present 1.8% , to 2% of total institutional expenditure , would enable us to maintain the services at their present level for the next five years .
6 By the following morning Mr Reynolds was apyrexial and although his temperature was recorded every four hours for the next five days it remained within normal limits .
7 Their G P Felix Lusman had been using a faulty technique for the past five years .
8 He jabbered about football for the first five minutes to smother her angry silence .
9 Not a chance of course — I was stuck there in my seat for the next five or six hours .
10 It was adopted as an ISO standard back in 1986 , and has led something of a ghostly existence in the commercial market ever since , hovering on the boundaries of document interoperability solutions for the last five years .
11 Students in possession of any Morrissey records are charged a higher rate of interest on their college loans • A hitman is hired to hit the Hit Man and Her as well as all the bloody dancers ( especially that git who 's been wearing the same crappy wig for the last five mindbendingly-dull years ) .
12 Carmichael 's sexism — not that the word existed : ‘ the role of women in the struggle is prone ’ — and the obsession with struggle elsewhere and male intellectuals ' struggles here with an uncomprehending world , threw down enough issues to sustain a variety of competing tendencies , articles , and books for the following five years .
13 So when you get to the planning calendars , put everything before the planning calendars in the storage binder please , and then you should find some planning calendars for the next five years .
14 The implication of any figure , indeed the County Council 's figure for the last five years of the structure plan , could be characterized as putting the brakes on so hard , that the passengers all fall off the train .
15 The magazine carries an interview with the Princess 's favourite clairvoy ant , Irish psychic Betty Palko , of Surbiton , Surrey , who has given Diana spiri tualist sessions for the last five years .
16 She had maintained two thousand feet for the last five miles .
17 He has been the coach for the last five seasons .
18 He has been the coach for the last five seasons .
19 Insignia has shown consistent profitability for the last five quarters and in calendar 1991 had sales of $14.5m — £8m , an 80% increase over the previous year .
20 Next year the EC has to make a budget plan for the following five years .
21 ‘ Expanding Emporio is the most important aspect of my business plan for the next five years , ’ says the maestro , confidently plotting his way to a bright future as less resilient designers wring their hands or close shop .
22 Now make the changes to your success image and to your plan for the next five years .
23 The course has helped Pauline with such issues as marketing and cash flow and she already has drawn up a business plan for the next five years — confirming that she too has no plans to return to full-time employment .
24 To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will give the total estimated annual operating costs of Trident for the first five years of operation .
25 This airworthy Mitchell , which has been grounded within the Museum for the past five years , is expected to attract a lot of interest from the Australian warbird community .
26 I can remember I 've been on this Gipsy Working Party since you lost control of this Council for the last five years and you 've fought tooth and nail all the way down the line to resist every gipsy site that came in you 've used every manoeuvre that you could possibly do to resist it .
27 Will my right hon. Friend convey to the Governor of Hong Kong my congratulations and those of the House on the skilful and successful way in which he has conducted the affairs of Hong Kong in difficult circumstances for the past five years ?
28 I returned to the UK before was born after working in Spain for the previous five years .
29 If anything , he 'll need calming down — and the best way Taylor could achieve that would be to tell him , whatever happens against Turkey tonight , that he 'll be in the team for the next five games at least .
30 Erm the economic development unit of the borough , Mr Allenby , should know more about it than me , but they have done studies of the firms in Harrogate that can be expected to seek relocation within the borough as they sort themselves out over the next five years , and erm their own calculations for the next five years is more than the county 's whole calculation for the next fifteen years , which suggested to us again that there was a problem about the understanding that the county had on the matter of relocations within Harrogate compared with what was going on locally .
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