Example sentences of "[noun] for [noun] ' [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It must include stronger protection for workers ' health and safety , so that industrial modernisation is not pursued in ways which damage the working environment .
2 From April 1 , 1989 , the limit for advice and assistance provided to a petitioner for divorce or judicial separation has been three times the sum for preparation for magistrates ' court criminal proceedings ; and in other cases , two times that sum .
3 The reasons for bankers ' reluctance have not been articulated .
4 There are reasons for Cardus ' confidence .
5 There are many complex reasons for historians ' disagreement .
6 Other reasons for pupils ' absence can provide challenges to the school .
7 Pupils ' non-attendance at school can be authorised or not and there are many reasons for pupils ' absence — illness being the most common .
8 The Board for Engineers ' Registration ( which comprises nominees from engineering Institutions ) and its associated committees is asked to play a leading role in the introduction of risk assessment and management in initial and continuing education and training for engineers .
9 But Vergil 's presentation of the episode makes it clear that he thought the accusation had no validity and was merely an excuse for Hastings ' execution .
10 But Vergil 's presentation of the episode makes it clear that he thought the accusation had no validity and was merely an excuse for Hastings ' execution .
11 She was secretary of the Tollemarche United Church Willing Workers ' Group , vice-president ( not president ! ) of the Tollemarche Downtown Community Centre , a driver for Cripples ' Transport , a member of the Car Dealers ' Wives Society and , she would remind him , a member of the Committee for the Preservation of Morals .
12 The responsibilities of this department cover the development of the HCIMA professional qualifications , liaison with centres offering HCIMA programmes and administration of the moderation system , accreditation of hospitality programmes in the UK and overseas , management development activities for members ' self development , Student Members recruitment , Licentiate assessments and career counselling .
13 Under the Bill , responsibility for the administration of funding for nurses ' education will be transferred from the national boards of Wales , Scotland and England to health authorities and health boards .
14 Tom even has a photographic dark-room for guests ' use ; and for me , the greatest plus , a splendid sauna suite , complete with adjacent shower and rest area .
15 Does the Minister recall that when we discussed these matters during the passage of the Finance Bill the then Financial Secretary , now Chancellor of the Exchequer , expressed passionate enthusiasm for workers ' control ?
16 The local slave trading and mercantile community was loud in its support for Harris ' intervention and happy to see , at this early stage of antislavery mobilisation , its interests defended quite as much in general scriptural terms as it was on the broad basis of national interest and community prosperity .
17 But this is also the first time that a young doctor takes on daily clinical responsibility for patients ' care , and in reality the service element provided by preregistration house officers underpins the medical care provided in many of our hospitals .
18 Also , there has to be strict rules for visitors ' feeding of the animals and most of the time no feeding of this kind is allowed .
19 It drops central bankers ' insistence on centrally-set rules for members ' budget deficits .
20 Top Tory Michael Ancram yesterday joined calls for taxpayers ' cash to be restricted to the Queen and Prince Charles .
21 It is all to do with progress for progress ' sake .
22 Is there a governors ' book shelf stocked with books , pamphlets and circulars including those from the National Curriculum Council , SEAC , Advisory Centre for Education ( ACE ) , the National Association of Governors and Managers and Action for Governors ' Information and Training ( AGIT ) ?
23 Something approaching this may yet emerge through Action for Governors ' Information and Training — a co-ordinating agency based in Coventry .
24 The work which has , since 1986/87 , been achieved by Action for Governors ' Information and Training ( AGIT ) took its beginnings from a very wide range of agencies : both through its original base at the Community Education Development Centre in Coventry and through its non-governmental funding , it has been able to take account of differing interests and pressures .
25 The sooner the markets develop confidence in the Government 's commitment to the ERM , the sooner it will be possible to get our interest rates down as well , and thus provide a much-needed boost for companies ' ability to invest for the future .
26 The sooner the markets develop confidence in the Government 's commitment to the ERM , the sooner it will be possible to get our interest rates down and thus provide a much-needed boost for companies ' ability to invest for the future
27 27 Local walks for Ramblers ' Association Forbidden Britain Day .
28 Another statement covers American university libraries , but does not cite formulae for collections ' size or growth rate which can be generally applied .
29 The figure for companies ' cash , deposits and marketable securities relative to their quarterly sales was 63% in 1990 , well above the 45% or so that was normal between 1974 and 1986 , before the liquidity boom .
30 Although it is a parent 's or guardian 's statutory responsibility to ensure children 's regular attendance at school , schools generally see it as their responsibility to monitor attendance , to seek explanation from parents for pupils ' non-attendance and to ensure that once pupils come to school they attend their classes .
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